When I am running it it's saving this whole clause
“$cond”: bson.M{
“if”: bson.M{“$eq”: bson.A{“$date”, nil}},
“then”: time.Now(),
“else”: “$date”,
in the document. What did I do wrong here can anyone please explain? (I am using findOneAndupdate())
update[“$set”].(bson.M)[“date”] = bson.M{
“$cond”: bson.M{
“if”: bson.M{“$eq”: bson.A{“$date”, nil}},
“then”: time.Now(),
“else”: “$date”,
Here is the updated code that worked for me -
update := bson.A{
"$set": bson.M{
"field1": field1_Value,
"field2": field2_Value,
update = append(update, bson.M{
"$set": bson.M{
"field3": field3_value,
"field4": bson.M{"$ifNull": []interface{}{"$field4", field4_value}},
I found this doc helpful thank you aneroid for commenting-