I have a confirm field that accepts yes ( case insensitive ) input from the user. This is how I am implementing it :
class ConfirmEnum(str, Enum):
yes = "yes"
Yes = "Yes"
class OtherFields(CamelModel):
data: int
confirm: Optional[ConfirmEnum]
...other fileds added here
async def pet_classes(
pet_service: PetService = Depends(
confirm: ConfirmEnum = Query(None, alias="confirm"),
response: Response = status.HTTP_200_OK,
I do not think it is the right way to do it, or there must be better way than to just use enum.
I cannot comment on Pydantic, but your enum should be:
class ConfirmEnum(str, Enum):
def _missing_(cls, value):
return cls[value.upper()]
except KeyError:
The try/except
is used so you don't end up with a double stack trace when an invalid key is used.