I'd like to plot some data on a map wherein the icon
shape, iconColor
and markerColor
are all based on the data itself.
len <- 20
dat <- data.table(
lat = runif(len, min = -90, max = 90),
lon = runif(len, min = -180, max = 180),
activity = sample(x = c('person-hiking', 'house', 'map-marker', 'user-gear'), size = len, replace = T),
marker_color = sample(x = c('blue', 'cadetblue', 'lightgray'), size = len, replace = T),
icon_color = sample(x = c('white', 'black'), size = len, replace = T)
icons_1 <- awesomeIcons(
icon = dat$activity,
markerColor = dat$marker_color,
iconColor = dat$icon_color,
library = 'fa'
icons_2 <- awesomeIcons(
icon = 'map_marker',
markerColor = dat$marker_color,
iconColor = 'black',
library = 'fa'
icons_3 <- makeAwesomeIcon(text = fa('user-gear'))
plt <- leaflet(data = dat, options = leafletOptions(zoomControl = FALSE)) %>% addTiles() %>%
addAwesomeMarkers(~lon, ~lat, icon = icons_1) %>%
# addAwesomeMarkers(~lon, ~lat, icon = icons_2) %>%
# addAwesomeMarkers(~lon, ~lat, icon = icons_3) %>%
addScaleBar(position = 'bottomright',
options = scaleBarOptions(maxWidth = 200, metric = T, imperial = T)) %>%
addProviderTiles(provider = providers$CartoDB.DarkMatterNoLabels)
displays the correct markerColor
but the icon_color
is shown correctly only when set to black
and the icon is map+marker
I wasn't sure if it had something to do with the icon
argument, so I tried icons_2
to trouble-shoot but it didn't work either:
The icons (specified using activity
in the data.table) do function fine, I tested out one using icons_3
I'm able to create a single custom icon and use it for all markers but not sure how to customize them the way I want.
There is an open issue with some fontawesome
icons. What works is to pass them as text
to awesomeIcons
. Also for fonts other than black use the Hex Code, e.g. '#FFFFFF'
for white.
len <- 20
dat <- data.table(
lat = runif(len, min = -90, max = 90),
lon = runif(len, min = -180, max = 180),
activity = sample(x = c(fa('person-hiking'), fa('house'), fa('map-marker'), fa('user-gear')), size = len, replace = T),
marker_color = sample(x = c('blue', 'cadetblue', 'lightgray'), size = len, replace = T),
icon_color = sample(x = c('#FFFFFF', 'black'), size = len, replace = T)
icons_1 <- awesomeIcons(
text = dat$activity,
markerColor = dat$marker_color,
iconColor = dat$icon_color,
library = 'fa'
leaflet(data = dat, options = leafletOptions(zoomControl = FALSE)) %>% addTiles() %>%
addAwesomeMarkers(~lon, ~lat, icon = ~ icons_1) %>%
addScaleBar(position = 'bottomright',
options = scaleBarOptions(maxWidth = 200, metric = T, imperial = T)) %>%
addProviderTiles(provider = providers$CartoDB.DarkMatterNoLabels)