With a stacked bar chart made with Deneb, if I click on a bar segment it cross filters on that segment. Is it possible to click on the label for the bar to filter on the entire bar?
In this example, clicking on the category (bar segment) works, however I want to click on the axis labels ('top', 'bottom') and have the entire bar filtered, similar to what happens in a stacked bar in the built in power bi stacked bar visual.
"data": {
"values": [
{"category": "a", "xval": 1, "yval": "top"},
{"category": "b", "xval": 5, "yval": "top"},
{"category": "c", "xval": 8, "yval": "top"},
{"category": "a", "xval": 3, "yval": "bottom"},
{"category": "b", "xval": 1, "yval": "bottom"},
{"category": "c", "xval": 9, "yval": "bottom"}
"encoding": {
"y": {
"title": null,
"field": "yval",
"sort": "descending"
"layer": [
"mark": {
"type": "bar",
"tooltip": true
"encoding": {
"x": {
"title": null,
"field": "xval",
"type": "quantitative",
"aggregate": "sum"
"color": {"field": "category"},
"order": {"field": "category"}
Here you go.
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v5.json",
"background": "white",
"padding": 5,
"width": 200,
"style": "cell",
"data": [
{"name": "dataset"},
"name": "data_0",
"source": "dataset",
"transform": [
"type": "aggregate",
"groupby": [
"ops": ["sum"],
"fields": ["xval"],
"as": ["sum_xval"]
"type": "stack",
"groupby": ["yval"],
"field": "sum_xval",
"sort": {
"field": ["category"],
"order": ["ascending"]
"as": [
"offset": "zero"
"name": "data_1",
"source": "dataset",
"transform": [
"type": "aggregate",
"groupby": ["yval"],
"ops": ["sum"],
"fields": ["xval"],
"as": ["sum_xval"]
"signals": [
{"name": "y_step", "value": 20},
"name": "height",
"update": "bandspace(domain('y').length, 0.1, 0.05) * y_step"
"marks": [
"name": "layer_0_marks",
"type": "rect",
"style": ["bar"],
"from": {"data": "data_0"},
"encode": {
"update": {
"tooltip": {
"signal": "{\"Sum of xval\": format(datum[\"sum_xval\"], \"\"), \"yval\": isValid(datum[\"yval\"]) ? datum[\"yval\"] : \"\"+datum[\"yval\"], \"category\": isValid(datum[\"category\"]) ? datum[\"category\"] : \"\"+datum[\"category\"]}"
"fill": {
"scale": "color",
"field": "category"
"ariaRoleDescription": {
"value": "bar"
"description": {
"signal": "\"Sum of xval: \" + (format(datum[\"sum_xval\"], \"\")) + \"; yval: \" + (isValid(datum[\"yval\"]) ? datum[\"yval\"] : \"\"+datum[\"yval\"]) + \"; category: \" + (isValid(datum[\"category\"]) ? datum[\"category\"] : \"\"+datum[\"category\"])"
"x": {
"scale": "x",
"field": "sum_xval_end"
"x2": {
"scale": "x",
"field": "sum_xval_start"
"y": {
"scale": "y",
"field": "yval"
"height": {
"signal": "max(0.25, bandwidth('y'))"
"name": "axisClick",
"type": "rect",
"from": {"data": "data_1"},
"encode": {
"update": {
"fill": {"value": "transparent"},
"x": {"value": -40},
"x2": {"value": 0},
"y": {
"scale": "y",
"field": "yval"
"height": {
"signal": "max(0.25, bandwidth('y'))"
"scales": [
"name": "x",
"type": "linear",
"domain": {
"data": "data_0",
"fields": [
"range": [0, {"signal": "width"}],
"nice": true,
"zero": true
"name": "y",
"type": "band",
"domain": {
"data": "dataset",
"field": "yval",
"sort": {
"order": "descending",
"field": "key"
"range": {
"step": {"signal": "y_step"}
"paddingInner": 0.1,
"paddingOuter": 0.05
"name": "color",
"type": "ordinal",
"domain": {
"data": "data_0",
"field": "category",
"sort": true
"range": "category"
"axes": [
"scale": "x",
"orient": "bottom",
"grid": false,
"labelFlush": true,
"labelOverlap": true,
"tickCount": {
"signal": "ceil(width/40)"
"zindex": 0
"scale": "y",
"orient": "left",
"grid": false,
"zindex": 0
"legends": [
"fill": "color",
"symbolType": "square",
"title": "category"