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Getting 404 from ReadItemAsync cosmosdb client in .net

I've been trying figuring out how to setup a cosmos db client in .net web api, and not far enough.

I've noticed when using the cosmosdb ReadItemAsync function I always get 404 back with this response
enter image description here

With the following code:

public async Task<OkObjectResult> All()
    var client = CosmosService.GetClient();
    var container = client.GetDatabase("Development").GetContainer("Notes");

    var result = await container.ReadItemAsync<CosmosNote>("1717482138", new PartitionKey("id"));
    return Ok(result);

I have also tried using a different function. I have tried using ReadManyItemsAsync, which surprisingly work for some weird reason!

public async Task<OkObjectResult> All()
    var client = CosmosService.GetClient();
    var container = client.GetDatabase("Development").GetContainer("Notes");

    List<(string, PartitionKey)> itemsToFind = new()
        ("1717482138", new PartitionKey("id"))

    var data = await container.ReadManyItemsAsync<CosmosNote>(itemsToFind);
    return Ok(data);

I don't get it why ReadItemAsync isn't working, can anyone help?

Edit: Cosmos data explorer in azure enter image description here


  • In the PartitionKey you need to use the value and not the property name. If you change it to:

    var partition = new PartitionKey("1717482138"); //<- value instead of property
    var result = await container.ReadItemAsync<CosmosNote>("1717482138", partition);

    It should work assuming you're using the /id as your partition in your Cosmos container.