model Product {
id String @id @default(uuid())
storeId String
store Store @relation("StoreToProduct", fields:
[storeId], references: [id])
categoryId String
category Category @relation("CategoryToProduct", fields:
[categoryId], references:[id])
name String
price Decimal
sizeId String
size Size @relation(fields: [sizeId],
references: [id])
colorId String
color Color @relation(fields: [colorId],
references: [id])
images Image[]
saleItems SaleItem[]
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
// schema.prisma after
model Product {
id String @id @default(uuid())
storeId String
store Store @relation("StoreToProduct", fields:
[storeId], references: [id])
categoryId String
category Category @relation("CategoryToProduct", fields:
[categoryId], references:[id])
name String
price Decimal
sizeId String?
size Size? @relation(fields: [sizeId],
references: [id])
colorId String?
color Color? @relation(fields: [colorId],
references: [id])
images Image[]
saleItems SaleItem[]
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
// product-form.tsx
const form = useForm<ProductFormValues>({
resolver: zodResolver(formSchema),
defaultValues: initialData
? {
price: parseFloat(String(initialData?.price)),
: {
name: "",
images: [],
price: 0,
categoryId: "",
colorId: "",
sizeId: "",
isFeatured: false,
isArchived: false,
[![defaultValues error][1]][1]
I am building a NextJS App with Prisma, and I have the above Prisma model that I would like to make the sizeId and the colorId as optional items for the Product form, and I do not know how to do it with Prisma(Some say it is not possible). Thanks in advance.
Update: I have been able to make my sizeId and colorId optional(I think), but now I am getting an error from my defaultValues of the form saying the values are not assignable to the defaultValues
Here’s how you can update your code to handle optional fields properly:
- Update the Prisma Model: Ensure sizeId and colorId are optional by marking them with '?'
model Product {
id String @id @default(uuid())
storeId String
store Store @relation("StoreToProduct", fields: [storeId], references: [id])
categoryId String
category Category @relation("CategoryToProduct", fields: [categoryId], references:[id])
name String
price Decimal
sizeId String?
size Size? @relation(fields: [sizeId], references: [id])
colorId String?
color Color? @relation(fields: [colorId], references: [id])
images Image[]
saleItems SaleItem[]
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
- Ensure Correct Types in TypeScript: Update your 'ProductFormValues' type in TypeScript to reflect that 'sizeId' and 'colorId' can be either 'string' or 'undefined'.
type ProductFormValues = {
name: string;
images: string[];
price: number;
categoryId: string;
colorId?: string;
sizeId?: string;
isFeatured: boolean;
isArchived: boolean;
- Default Values in Form Initialization: Update the defaultValues to handle optional fields properly.
const form = useForm<ProductFormValues>({
resolver: zodResolver(formSchema),
defaultValues: initialData
? {
price: parseFloat(String(initialData?.price)),
colorId: initialData.colorId || undefined,
sizeId: initialData.sizeId || undefined,
: {
name: "",
images: [],
price: 0,
categoryId: "",
colorId: undefined,
sizeId: undefined,
isFeatured: false,
isArchived: false,
With the above adjustments, hope that your problem will be fixed.