when I create folder for every page and remap those in web.config , appeared this problem .
1)I can't see content of pages.
2)When I use navigation controls , my web.SiteMap don't work and don't show path of pages.
what is problem in my project , and what I solve that ?
this link is my web site :
Urlmapping code :
<add url ="~/HOME" mappedUrl ="~/Default.aspx"/>
<add url ="~/a" mappedUrl ="~/a.aspx" />
<add url ="~/a1" mappedUrl ="~/a1/a1.aspx"/>
<add url ="~/a2" mappedUrl ="~/a2/a2.aspx"/>
<add url ="~/b" mappedUrl ="~/b/b.aspx"/>
<add url ="~/b1" mappedUrl ="~/b1/b1.aspx"/>
<add url ="~/b2" mappedUrl ="~/b2/b2.aspx"/>
<add url ="~/b3" mappedUrl ="~/b3/b3.aspx"/>
<add url ="~/c" mappedUrl ="~/c/c.aspx"/>
<add url ="~/c1" mappedUrl ="~/c1/c1.aspx"/>
SiteMap code :
<siteMap xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/AspNet/SiteMap-File-1.0" >
<siteMapNode url="~/HOME" title="Home" description="Home Page">
<siteMapNode url="~/a" title="page a" description="page a">
<siteMapNode url="~/a1" title="page a-1" description="page 1 of a" />
<siteMapNode url="~/a2" title="page a-2" description="page 2 of a"/>
<siteMapNode url="~/b" title="page b" description="page b">
<siteMapNode url="~/b1" title="page b-1" description="page 1 of b" imageTitle="lake"/>
<siteMapNode url="~/b2" title="page b-2" description="page 2 of b" imageTitle="wolf"/>
<siteMapNode url="~/b3" title="page b-3" description="page 3 of b" imageTitle="thunder"/>
<siteMapNode url="~/c" title="page c" description="page c">
<siteMapNode url="~/c1" title="page c-1" description="page 1 of c"/>
I can solve my problem .
you should create folder whit name Default and create page whit name default too and then use web.sitemap in navigation controls .