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Time complexity of N Queens bruteforce algorithm

I'm solving Big O runtimes but do not feel as though I understand the problem thoroughly enough to answer on my own.

I need to calculate the Big-O runtime for this queens 'bruteforce' function, but I'm not sure I have solved it correctly. I thought it could be simply O(n^2) but I am not sure and not confident enough with my current understanding to say that is the correct answer. I'm just looking for some guidance and correction.

def bruteforce(self, row):
    if row == self.n:
        return self.is_valid(row)

    for col in range(self.n):
        self.queens[row] = col
        if self.bruteforce(row + 1):
            return True
        self.queens[row] = -1

    return False


  • The N-Queen problem is a highly known problem for its time complexity.

    Exact enumeration

    According to wiki, "the 27×27 board is the highest-order board that has been completely enumerated".

    n   fundamental all
    1   1   1
    2   0   0
    3   0   0
    4   1   2
    5   2   10
    6   1   4
    7   6   40
    8   12  92
    9   46  352
    10  92  724
    11  341 2,680
    12  1,787   14,200
    13  9,233   73,712
    14  45,752  365,596
    15  285,053 2,279,184
    16  1,846,955   14,772,512
    17  11,977,939  95,815,104
    18  83,263,591  666,090,624
    19  621,012,754 4,968,057,848
    20  4,878,666,808   39,029,188,884
    21  39,333,324,973  314,666,222,712
    22  336,376,244,042 2,691,008,701,644
    23  3,029,242,658,210   24,233,937,684,440
    24  28,439,272,956,934  227,514,171,973,736
    25  275,986,683,743,434 2,207,893,435,808,352
    26  2,789,712,466,510,289   22,317,699,616,364,044
    27  29,363,495,934,315,694  234,907,967,154,122,528

    Total Number of Actual Possibilities

    The actual number of permutations of placing N Queens in the N rows (or columns, whichever you prefer), is N!:

    • In the first row or column, you can place one queen in any cell you want, which is N cells.

    • In the second row or column, you can place one queen in N - 1 cells, excluding the one you just placed in the first row or column.

    • In the third row or column, you can do the same in the N - 2 cells.

    In short:

    row 1: N options or choices for placing a queen
    row 2: N - 1 options or choices for placing a queen
    row 3: N - 2 options or choices for placing a queen
    row N: 1 option or choice for placing the last queen

    Total number of possibilities: N * (N - 1) * (N - 2) * (N - 3) * ... * 1 = N!

    Time Complexity

    • The time complexity of the brute force N-Queen could be O(N ^ N) or O(N!), depending on the brute force implementations.

    • In this specific implementation, since we did not add an if to check that if a queen is placed in the i row, therefore we can safely say that the time complexity is O(N ^ N), (as commented by no-comment and Ry-). This makes our approach a "complete" naive approach.

    • If we had an if check, then the time complexity would be equal to the number of N! possibilities.

    Brute Force Code

    from math import factorial
    class Solution:
        def __init__(self, n):
            self.n = n
            self.queens = [-1] * n
            self.val = 0
   = 0
        def is_valid(self):
            for i in range(self.n):
                for j in range(i):
                    self.val += 1
                    if self.queens[i] == self.queens[j] or abs(self.queens[i] - self.queens[j]) == i - j:
                        return False
            return True
        def bruteforce(self, row=0):
   += 1
            if row == self.n:
                return self.is_valid()
            for col in range(self.n):
                self.queens[row] = col
                if self.bruteforce(row + 1):
                    return True
                self.queens[row] = -1
            return False
        def get_solution(self):
            if self.bruteforce():
                return self.queens
                return None
        def get_operations(self):
            return, self.val
        def get_factorial(self):
            return factorial(self.n)
    Sol = Solution(8)


    [0, 4, 7, 5, 2, 6, 1, 3]
    (1485549, 3707836)


    A more efficient way to solve the N Queen problem is backtracking:

    def solution(n):
        def can_place_queen(row, col):
            for i in range(row):
                if board[i] == col or board[i] - i == col - row or board[i] + i == col + row:
                    return False
            return True
        def _set_queen(n, row):
            if n == row:
            for col in range(n):
                if can_place_queen(row, col):
                    board[row] = col
                    _set_queen(n, row + 1)
                    board[row] = 0
        res = []
        board = [0] * n
        _set_queen(n, 0)
        return [[i + 1 for i in sol] for sol in res]


    [[2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5], [3, 6, 2, 5, 1, 4], [4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3], [5, 3, 1, 6, 4, 2]]

    Backtracking illustration:

    enter image description here
