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how to generating thumbnail from HLS remote URL (*.m3u8) for android

I am looking to generate thumbnail for particular timeframe from HLS remote URL for ex :

I have tried MediaMetadataRetriever but it does not work for live streams (HLS)

any code snippet or library is appreciated, thanks


  • The FFmpeg library can extract a thumbnail from a particular video frame.

    Use the following function to generate a thumbnail:

    private fun generateThumbnailFromHls(url: String, timestamp: String, outputImage: String) {
            val command = arrayOf(
                "-i", url,
                "-ss", timestamp,
                "-vframes", "1",
                "-q:v", "2",
                "-y", outputImage
            FFmpegKit.executeAsync(command.joinToString(" ")) { session ->
                val returnCode = session.returnCode
                if (returnCode.isValueSuccess) {
                    Log.d("FFmpeg", "Thumbnail saved to $outputImage")
                } else {
                    Log.e("FFmpeg", "Error occurred: ${session.failStackTrace}")

    Don't forget to add FFmpeg in your app: build.gradle