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How to set offset on (selectmenu) overlays in jQuery Mobile [using a fixed header toolbar]?

Is there a way to define the offset JQM uses for selectmenu overlay?

Other options can be set via prototyping like this:

$   = true;
$ = "a";

Problem description

jQuery Mobile determines the size of the screen and decides how to display the overlay for select menus. Unfortunately this seems to work only without using a fixed header toolbar, because JQM is generation the source over here always with the top-offset of 30px style="left: 741.65px; top: 30px;.

There is no ways to overwrite this with CSS only, because the specificity of the css rules are always lower than the ones of an style-attribute!

I don't want to change the JQM sourcecode, because I'd have to change it again with every release. And I don't use the uncompressed sources.

Generated source from JQM

<div class="ui-selectmenu ui-overlay-shadow ui-corner-all ui-body-a pop in"
     style="left: 741.65px; top: 30px;">


JQM Source code

This is the corresponding code from jQuery Mobile 1.0RC2:

self.menuType = "overlay";

self.screen.height( $(document).height() ).removeClass( "ui-screen-hidden" );

// Try and center the overlay over the button
var roomtop = btnOffset - scrollTop,
    roombot = scrollTop + screenHeight - btnOffset,
    halfheight = menuHeight / 2,
    maxwidth = parseFloat( self.list.parent().css( "max-width" ) ),
    newtop, newleft;

if ( roomtop > menuHeight / 2 && roombot > menuHeight / 2 ) {
    newtop = btnOffset + ( self.button.outerHeight() / 2 ) - halfheight;
} else {
    // 30px tolerance off the edges
    newtop = roomtop > roombot ? scrollTop + screenHeight - menuHeight - 30 : scrollTop + 30;


  • Suggested Fix:

    .ui-selectmenu { z-index: 1100 !important; }