I am having multiple problems with making my pythonscript dartsapp.py executable for my pi.
At first i tried to use
chmod +x dartsapp.py
but i got the error:
-bash: ./dartsapp.py: cannot execute: required file not found
I also added the dir to PATH but still no luck. Afterwards i tried to use pyinstaller but when i try to call
pyinstaller --version
i get the same
-bash: pyinstaller: command not found
even though my PATH looks like this:
maxdu@LEDpi:~/0306 $ echo $PATH
What am i missing / doing wrong here?
ls -l /usr/bin/python3
gives me
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Apr 9 2023 /usr/bin/python3 -> python3.11
head -n 3 dartsapp.py | cat -e
gives me
# Python-App fM-CM-<r das PunktezM-CM-$hlen beim Darts^M$
type python3
gives me
python3 is hashed (/usr/bin/python3)
head -n 3 dartsapp.py | cat -e
# Python-App fM-CM-<r das PunktezM-CM-$hlen beim Darts^M$
and so those ^Ms
at the end of each line tells us that dartsapp.py
has DOS line endings, see linux-bash-shell-script-error-cannot-execute-required-file-not-found for more information on this specific error and Why does my tool output overwrite itself and how do I fix it? for more information on DOS line endings in general. Both of those questions contain various fixes for this problem, starting with running dos2unix dartsapp.py