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JetBrains Rider could not copy Azure.Function.Worker

When using JetBrains Rider to debug an Azure Function every other re-build/build I get the following error message:

Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Sdk.targets(169,9): Warning MSB3026 : Could not copy "C:*\Local\Temp\2n3kt121.jsm\buildout\bin\Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.FunctionMetadataLoader.dll" to "C:\Dev**\bin\Debug\

enter image description here

Then I have to look for a process 'func' and close it manually or close and re-open Rider to make it build again. This is very frustrating. Does anyone know a fix for this?


  • Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Sdk.targets(169,9): Warning MSB3026 : Could not copy "C:Local\Temp\2n3kt121.jsm\buildout\bin\Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.FunctionMetadataLoader.dll" to "C:\Dev\bin\Debug\

    To resolve this error, delete the Azure Function Tools folder under C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\ (as mentioned in the comments)=> restart the Rider IDE and run the function.

    enter image description here

    • Navigate to the project root directory=> delete the bin and obj folders and rebuild the project, this forces Rider to clean and rebuild the entire project from scratch and resolves configuration issues if there is any.
    • Clear cache in Rider, navigate to File=>Invalidate Caches=>Invalidate Restart.

    enter image description here

    • According to the screenshot provided in the question, the function seems to be isolated azure function.
    • Install all the required packages for your project.

    Isolated function:

      <FrameworkReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" />
      <PackageReference Include="Azure.Storage.Blobs" Version="12.16.0" />
      <PackageReference Include="Azure.Storage.Files.Shares" Version="12.1.0" />
      <PackageReference Include="Azure.Storage.Queues" Version="12.11.1" />
      <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker" Version="1.21.0" />
      <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.Http" Version="3.1.0" />
      <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.Http.AspNetCore" Version="1.2.0" />
      <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.Storage.Blobs" Version="6.3.0" />
      <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Sdk" Version="1.17.0" />
      <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.WorkerService" Version="2.22.0" />
      <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.ApplicationInsights" Version="1.2.0" />
      <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Azure" Version="1.7.1" />
      <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets" Version="8.0.0" />


      "profiles": {  
      "FunctionApp1": {  
      "commandName": "Project",  
      "commandLineArgs": "--port 7147",  
      "launchBrowser": false  