We have written an MAUI App in VS2022 Windows (.NET 8) - it complies, works fine on iOS and Android simulators. It has deployed successfully to the Google Play store. But we cannot get it to deploy to the iOS store. The app bundle is created successfully, but at the point where we try to deploy it we get the error:
Could not create ipa file for distribution of the archive '' The "CompileAppManifest" task was not given a value for the required parameter "DefaultSDKVersion".
I believe this issue is relating to a problem with the project editor. Under iOS -> Build -> SDK version, the dropdown list is EMPTY, so I cannot choose an SDK version.
Manually adding the DefaultSdkVersion key to the appropriate PropertyGroup makes no difference.
Can anyone please help resolve this issue? Thank you
We have tried:
We expect things to work as described here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/maui/ios/deployment/publish-app-store?view=net-maui-8.0&tabs=vs
None of the suggestions at: The "CompileAppManifest" task was not given a value for the required parameter "DefaultSdkVersion" have resolved the issue.
We are running the latest version of xCode on the build iMac, and the latest (non preview) version of Vs2022.
For anyone else struggling with this problem, this Visual Studio error message is very misleading and unhelpful, as it doesn't identify the actual problem:
Could not create ipa file for distribution of the archive ‘’ The “CompileAppManifest” task was not given a value for the required parameter “DefaultSDKVersion”.
To fix the underlying problem you need to let the MAUI your_project.csproj project file control everything (especially to do with versions).
FIRSTLY: Remove specific settings from the Platforms > iOS > Info.plist file to do with versions (even if they match the main project file). Check you have removed MinimumOSVersion, CFBundleShortVersionString, CFBundleVersion and CFBundleIdentifier from the Platforms > iOS > Info.plist file
The reason for these problems is that the msbuild file (DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!) in "Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\17.2.8053\tools\msbuild\iOS\Xamarin.Shared.targets" still doesn't quite have correct logic for handling overriding the csproj file settings from the Platforms > iOS > Info.plist file. Everything works fine for dev testing on simulators, building for release and publishing for release, but it will fall over when you try to "Distribute".
SECONDLY: Remove or amend any reference to versions in the MAUI csproj file (right click on the project --> Edit Project File)
Make sure the following are included and ALL MATCH, and that the ApplicationDisplayVersion has at least a x.x format. ApplicationVersion and Version should be a whole number.
It is also best to allow icons etc. to all be controlled from the csproj file.
As an added bonus, "Distribute" still won't work on the latest release of Visual Studio (17.10.1), even if you fix the problem above, and get it to build the ipa file. The issue is fixed in 17.11.
It will fall over after you supply your AppleId and App Specific Password with the error:
Publishing project ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxx’ completed with errors. App Store bundle validation failed for archive xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The “ALToolValidate” task was not given a value for the required parameter “FilePath”.
Use your Mac build machine to deploy to the App Store:
Go to XCode -> Window -> Organizer -> Archives -> Distribute -> Submit to the App Store