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HUGO content is not rendering

This is my first time using Hugo. My problem is that the content i put into the .md file is not showing on the targed page. I've checked the path and according to the HUGO-Docs it is all set up right.

├── content
│   ├── english
│   │   └──
│   ├── german
│   │   ├── home
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   └──
│   │   └──
│   └──
├── i18n
│   ├── de.toml
│   └── en.toml
├── layouts
│   ├── _default
│   │   ├── baseof.html
│   │   ├── list.html
│   │   └── single.html
│   ├── home
│   │   └── list.html
│   ├── partials
│   │   ├── common
│   │   │   ├── footer.html
│   │   │   ├── header.html
│   │   │   ├── head.html
│   │   │   └── scripts.html
│   │   ├── home
│   │   │   └── subnav.html
│   │   └── products
│   └── products

The home/list.html which overrides my baseof.html is set up like this:

{{ define "main" }}
    {{ partial "home/subnav.html" . }}
    {{ .Content }}
    {{ with .Site.GetPage "german/home/company" }}
            {{ .Content }}
        {{ end }}
{{ end }}

Neither the content from nor is rendering. Not in browser and not in the public/index.html.

What am i missing out to render my content?


  • Found the solution. I just needed to clear the cache.