I'm running on VS2022 17.10.1 (latest) with MSVC and C++20:
This is my module iface - hello.iface.ixx :
export module hello;
export void hi();
And this is its impl - hello.impl.cpp:
module hello;
import <iostream>;
void hi() {
std::cout << "hi";
It does not compile due to this line:
import <iostream>;
There are a few ways to solve it but I'm unsure which one is proper.
If I change hello.impl.cpp file to .ixx or Compile As: /interface it works. It looks like header unit import is only accepted in an interface file. What are the implications? two BMI's are created? I read that I better stick with .cpp files for module implementation files.
If I add the import <iostream>;
to hello.iface.ixx it works.
But it seems to me like bad practice to reveal that I'm using on iface. As only impl uses cout.
I can use global module fragment in hello.impl.cpp. But I think the #include <iostream>
might be less efficient than the supported import <iostream>;
in the two options above.
I will mention that it works as is with Preview /std:c++latest
In project's properties -> C++ -> scan source for Module Dependencies: Yes.