I have a table called invoice where columns as 'invoiceno', 'invoicedate', 'invoicedate2'. Due to a mistake the invoicedate column datatype is set as nvarchar(10)
and the data is passed as date therefore the data is saved in the format of below example:
"May 1 202"
the year last character is missing and I need to change the data into correct format for year 2024 and save as datetime format in column invoicedate2
Expected is May 1 202
--> 2024-05-01
You can try something like:
UPDATE invoice
SET invoicedate2 = NULLIF(COALESCE(
TRY_CONVERT(DATETIME, invoicedate + '4')
), '1900-01-01')
The above will attempt to convert the date text first without and then with a "4" appended. If unsuccessful, the result is null. Note that an empty string will convert to a 1900-01-01
, so the NULLIF()
function replaces that with a null.
If you know that all values follow the "mmm dd yyy" (truncated) form, you can use the following simplified version.
UPDATE invoice
SET invoicedate2 = CONVERT(DATETIME, invoicedate + '4')
Sample results:
invoicedate | invoicedate2 |
2024-01-31 | 2024-01-31 00:00:00.000 |
MAY 1 202 | 2024-05-01 00:00:00.000 |
null | |
junk | null |
null | null |
See this db<>fiddle.