I'm currently trying to teach myself how to handle live data by streaming Forza telemetry data from my xbox to my PC. I'm having issues storing that data in a manager.dict and sharing it to other processes. I've created a manager.dict called packets, here is the app.py:
from connectors.forza_connect import forza_connect, forza_record
from telemetry_utils import throttle
from multiprocessing import Manager, Process
if __name__ == '__main__':
with Manager() as manager:
packets = manager.dict({}) # Create shared dict for the worker and UI to use
# Start the background data collection process
data_args = ('motorsport', packets, )
data_process = Process(target=forza_connect, args=data_args)
throttle_process = Process(target=throttle.show_throttle_text, args=(packets, ))
This runs forza_connect which collects the data and transforms it into a dictionary, this bit works fine on its own but it doesn't seem to send that data back in to packets. Here's the forza_connect.py:
import socket
from data_utils import forza_data
def forza_connect(game_version, packets, local_ip='', port=5555, to_print=False, fd=forza_data):
## Connect to Forza
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.bind((local_ip, port))
fd = fd.ForzaData(game_version)
while True:
packet, packet_source = sock.recvfrom(1024) # Receive data
fd.parse(packet) # Parse data
# Append packet to the shared list
for k, v in fd.to_dict().items():
packets[k] = v
sock.close() # Close the socket
I want the data collected above to be available to multiple processes, however no data seems to be being stored and no data is getting sent to throttle.py
# Show throttle percentage as text
def show_throttle_text(forza_data):
while True:
#print(f"\r throttle percentage: {int(forza_data['throttle'])}", end='', flush=True)
This currently just showing an empty dict. What is it I am mis-understanding about how to use this? Thanks
I solved this by continually exporting data as a json file and reading from that instead of using a shared dictionary.