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Android emulator launched from vs code is not opening the emulator window in foreground, it is always running in background

I am experiencing an issue where the Android emulator launched from Visual Studio Code does not open in the foreground. Instead, it consistently runs in the background, making it difficult to interact with or view the emulator window.

Screenshot of background: background_image

Then I try to click on it, to make it on foreground, but this happens: forground_issue_image

I don't know it is happening only on Mac, it will be helpful if anyone can suggest any fix for this issue.

I am not saying that my app is not running in emulator, app is running the emulator correctly but my emulator is always hided somewhere and I am unable to keep it on desktop.



  • The issue has been resolved by deleting and recreating the virtual devices within the Device Manager in Android Studio.

    Deletion :


    Recreation :
