I'm struggling with transforming a JSON with JOLT.
I have the following input JSON:
"AAA": {
"Product":"Product A",
"Owner": {
"Age": "20",
"ID": [
"IDType": "CPF",
"IDNumber": "0000000000000"
"Contact": {
"Email": "[email protected]",
"Phone": "1111111111",
"Add": {
"Add1": "aaaa",
"Add2": "bbbb",
"City": "city"
"BBB": [
"Field 1": "F1",
"Field 2": "F2",
"Field 3": {
"F31": "F3.1",
"F32": "F3.2"
"Field 1": "F1",
"Field 2": "F2",
"Field 3": {
"F31": "F3.1",
"F32": "F3.2"
"Field 1": "F1",
"Field 2": "F2",
"Field 3": {
"F31": "F3.1",
"F32": "F3.2"
and i need to copy fields from "AAA.Owner" and put it into a new object (New Field) in every "Field 3" in the "BBB" Array.
The output JSON would look like this:
"AAA": {
"Product":"Product A",
"Owner": {
"Age": "20",
"ID": [
"IDType": "CPF",
"IDNumber": "0000000000000"
"Contact": {
"Email": "[email protected]",
"Phone": "1111111111",
"Add": {
"Add1": "aaaa",
"Add2": "bbbb",
"City": "city"
"BBB": [
"Field 1": "F1",
"Field 2": "F2",
"Field 3": {
"F31": "F3.1",
"F32": "F3.2",
"New Field": {
"Id": {
"IDType": "CPF",
"IDNumber": "0000000000000"
"Contact": {
"Email": "[email protected]",
"Phone": "1111111111",
"Add": {
"Add1": "aaaa",
"Add2": "bbbb",
"City": "city"
"Field 1": "F1",
"Field 2": "F2",
"Field 3": {
"F31": "F3.1",
"F32": "F3.2",
"New Field": {
"Id": {
"IDType": "CPF",
"IDNumber": "0000000000000"
"Contact": {
"Email": "[email protected]",
"Phone": "1111111111",
"Add": {
"Add1": "aaaa",
"Add2": "bbbb",
"City": "city"
"Field 1": "F1",
"Field 2": "F2",
"Field 3": {
"F31": "F3.1",
"F32": "F3.2",
"New Field": {
"Id": {
"IDType": "LALALA",
"IDNumber": "0000000000000"
"Contact": {
"Email": "[email protected]",
"Phone": "1111111111",
"Add": {
"Add1": "aaaa",
"Add2": "bbbb",
"City": "city"
Could someone help me with this? Thanks!
I cannot manage to iterate over the items in BBB and insert the object without screwing everything up..
Can you try the below spec:
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": "&",
"BBB": {
"*": {
"*": "&2[&1].&",
"Field 3": {
"*": "&3[&2].&1.&",
"@(3,AAA.Owner)": "&3[&2].&1.NewField"
If you dont want to copy all the fields form AAA.Owner, then you have to the clean up that first then use shift above to get the final transformation.