I'm working on a problem where I need to arrange a set of nodes within a 2D grid such that the distance between pairs of nodes either approximate specific values as closely as possible or meet a minimum threshold.
In other words, for some node pairs, the distance should be approximately equal to a predefined value (≈). For other node pairs, the distance should be greater than or equal to a predefined threshold (≥).
Additional challenge: the grid is inscribed inside a concave polygon, so distances must be geodesic.
Question: Using OR-Tools, how can I efficiently approximate the location of the nodes given the constraints above-mentioned?
[EDIT] I've revised the example script, trying as best I can to apply Laurent's wise suggestions, but my poor understanding of OR-Tools (and its subtleties) still makes this a very difficult task.
This version:
to connect the Boolean variables with the node positionsUnfortunately, I must be missing a few nuances because this implementation doesn't return any results even though the solution space not null.
from ortools.sat.python import cp_model
from itertools import combinations
import networkx as nx
# Dimensions of the original grid (width & height)
w, h = 7, 5
# Selection of grid-cell indices (conforming/concave grid)
cell_indices = list(sorted(set(range(w * h)) - set([0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 28, 29])))
# Topology of the conforming/concave grid
T = nx.Graph()
for i in cell_indices:
if i >= w and (i - w) in cell_indices:
T.add_edge(i, i - w, weight=1)
if i < w * (h - 1) and (i + w) in cell_indices:
T.add_edge(i, i + w, weight=1)
if i % w != 0 and (i - 1) in cell_indices:
T.add_edge(i, i - 1, weight=1)
if (i + 1) % w != 0 and (i + 1) in cell_indices:
T.add_edge(i, i + 1, weight=1)
# Precompute geodesic distances using Dijkstra's algorithm
geodesic_distances = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(T))
# Get the largest geodesic distance
max_distance = float('-inf')
for i1 in geodesic_distances:
for i2 in geodesic_distances[i1]:
if i1 != i2 and i1 > i2:
distance = geodesic_distances[i1][i2]
if distance > max_distance: max_distance = distance
# Number of nodes to place
num_nodes = 5
# Target distances to match between each pair of nodes + type of objective (≈ or ≥)
objective_distances = {(0, 1): (3, '≈'),
(0, 2): (2, '≥'),
(0, 3): (2, '≥'),
(0, 4): (3, '≈'),
(1, 2): (3, '≥'),
(1, 3): (3, '≥'),
(1, 4): (4, '≥'),
(2, 3): (2, '≈'),
(2, 4): (4, '≥'),
(3, 4): (3, '≈')}
# Instantiate model
model = cp_model.CpModel()
# Ensure each position can have at most one node
node_at_position = {}
for index in cell_indices:
at_most_one = []
for node in range(num_nodes):
var = model.NewBoolVar(f'node_{node}_at_position_{index}')
node_at_position[node, index] = var
# Apply at most one node per position constraint
# Ensure each node is assigned exactly to one position
for node in range(num_nodes):
model.AddExactlyOne(node_at_position[node, idx] for idx in cell_indices)
penalties = []
# For each pair of nodes:
for (node1, node2), (target_distance, constraint_type) in objective_distances.items():
# For each compatible pair of cells
for i1, i2 in combinations(cell_indices, 2):
# Get the corresponding geodesic distance
distance = geodesic_distances[i1][i2]
# Create a Boolean variable
is_compatible = model.NewBoolVar(f'compat_{node1}_{node2}_{i1}_{i2}')
# Create a penalty variable
penalty = model.NewIntVar(0, max_distance, f'penalty_{node1}_{node2}_{i1}_{i2}')
if constraint_type == '≈':
# Condition that `is_compatible` will be True if the distance approximates (deviation: -1/+1) the target distance
model.Add(is_compatible == (target_distance - 1 <= distance <= target_distance + 1))
elif constraint_type == '≥':
# Condition that `is_compatible` will be True if the distance is at least the target distance
model.Add(is_compatible == (distance >= target_distance))
# If 'is_compatible' is true -> implications to enforce node positions
model.AddImplication(is_compatible, node_at_position[node1, i1])
model.AddImplication(is_compatible, node_at_position[node2, i2])
# If it is not -> add a penalty
model.Add(penalty == abs(distance - target_distance)).OnlyEnforceIf(is_compatible.Not())
# Accumulate penalties
# Objective to minimize total penalty
# Solving the model
solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
status = solver.Solve(model)
print("Solver status:", solver.StatusName(status))
if status == cp_model.FEASIBLE or status == cp_model.OPTIMAL:
print("Solution found:")
for node in range(num_nodes):
for index in cell_indices:
if solver.Value(node_at_position[node, index]):
print(f'Node {node} is at position {index}')
print("No solution found.")
If you're not beholden to ortools
, here is a solution using pyomo
and HiGHS
solver. Minimally, this might give you some insights on the correct ortools
syntax to implement some of these types of constraints, if this formulation works. I'm not familiar w/ the ortools
syntax, but this aligns with the context of what @Laurent Perron mentioned above.
This is a pretty stout BIP (Binary Integer Program) and I've put an absolute gap in the solve such that if it gets within 1.0 of the theoretical limit, it will stop rather than continuing the solve. With that, it pops out an optimal answer in about 10 minutes on my machine, with the solution shown at bottom with a total penalty of 3 distance units for the example shown.
placing nodes within a grid
Created on: 5/31/24
from collections import defaultdict
import pyomo.environ as pyo
import highspy
import networkx as nx
# Dimensions of the original grid (width & height)
w, h = 7, 5
# Selection of grid-cell indices (conforming/concave grid)
cell_indices = list(sorted(set(range(w * h)) - {0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 28, 29}))
# Topology of the conforming/concave grid
T = nx.Graph()
for i in cell_indices:
if i >= w and (i - w) in cell_indices:
T.add_edge(i, i - w, weight=1)
if i < w * (h - 1) and (i + w) in cell_indices:
T.add_edge(i, i + w, weight=1)
if i % w != 0 and (i - 1) in cell_indices:
T.add_edge(i, i - 1, weight=1)
if (i + 1) % w != 0 and (i + 1) in cell_indices:
T.add_edge(i, i + 1, weight=1)
# Precompute geodesic distances using Dijkstra's algorithm
geodesic_distances = dict(nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(T))
# Get the largest geodesic distance
max_distance = float('-inf')
for i1 in geodesic_distances:
for i2 in geodesic_distances[i1]:
if i1 != i2 and i1 > i2:
distance = geodesic_distances[i1][i2]
if distance > max_distance: max_distance = distance
# Number of nodes to place
num_nodes = 5
# Target distances to match between each pair of nodes + type of objective (≈ or ≥)
objective_distances = {(0, 1): (3, '≈'),
(0, 2): (2, '≥'),
(0, 3): (2, '≥'),
(0, 4): (3, '≈'),
(1, 2): (3, '≥'),
(1, 3): (3, '≥'),
(1, 4): (4, '≥'),
(2, 3): (2, '≈'),
(2, 4): (4, '≥'),
(3, 4): (3, '≈')
# print(geodesic_distances)
# let's chop up the pairs into needed subsets, and hook them up to penalty values
fudge_factor = 1.0 # the max allowable miss for ≈ constraints
cutoff_points = [t[0] for t in objective_distances.values()]
ge_pairs = defaultdict(dict) # GTE pairs at cutoff point
ae_pairs = defaultdict(dict) # Approx Equal pairs at cutoff point
for idx in cell_indices:
for other, dist in geodesic_distances[idx].items():
if other <= idx:
continue # we only need "sorted" pairs like the objective_distances
for c in cutoff_points:
if dist >= c:
ge_pairs[c][idx, other] = dist - c
if c - fudge_factor <= dist <= c + fudge_factor:
ae_pairs[c][idx, other] = abs(dist - c)
# now bin up the requirements as basis for the associated constraints
ge_reqts = {}
ae_reqts = {}
for (n1, n2), (c, c_type) in objective_distances.items():
if c_type == '≈':
ae_reqts[n1, n2] = c
elif c_type == '≥':
ge_reqts[n1, n2] = c
raise ValueError()
# on to the model...
m = pyo.ConcreteModel()
# === SETS ===
m.G = pyo.Set(initialize=cell_indices, doc='Grid Points')
m.GG = pyo.Set(initialize=[(g1, g2) for g1 in m.G for g2 in m.G if g2 > g1], doc=('paired '
'assignment at '
'g_1, g_2)'))
m.N = pyo.Set(initialize=list(range(num_nodes)), doc='Nodes')
m.NN = pyo.Set(initialize=objective_distances.keys(), doc='assignment requirements')
def eligible_assignments(m, *nn):
# a helper function to determine (limit) assignments to eligible spots
if nn in ae_reqts:
cutoff = ae_reqts[nn]
eligible_locations = ae_pairs[cutoff]
return eligible_locations
if nn in ge_reqts:
cutoff = ge_reqts[nn]
eligible_locations = ge_pairs[cutoff]
return eligible_locations
m.eligible_locations = pyo.Set(m.NN, initialize=eligible_assignments)
m.NNGG = pyo.Set(initialize=[(nn, gg) for nn in m.NN for gg in m.eligible_locations[nn]])
# === VARS ===
m.place = pyo.Var(m.N, m.G, domain=pyo.Binary, doc='place node N at point G')
m.paired_assignment = pyo.Var(m.NNGG, domain=pyo.Binary, doc='node pair assigned to grid pair')
# === OBJ ===
# helper expressions
ge_penalties = sum(m.paired_assignment[nn, gg] * ge_pairs[ge_reqts[nn]][gg] for nn in ge_reqts for gg
in m.eligible_locations[nn])
ae_penalties = sum(m.paired_assignment[nn, gg] * ae_pairs[ae_reqts[nn]][gg] for nn in ae_reqts for gg
in m.eligible_locations[nn])
m.obj = pyo.Objective(expr=ge_penalties + ae_penalties, sense=pyo.minimize)
def assign_exactly_once(m, n):
return sum(m.place[n, g] for g in m.G) == 1
def max_one_per_grid_point(m, g):
return sum(m.place[n, g] for n in m.N) <= 1
def link_assignment(m, n1, n2, *gg):
return m.paired_assignment[n1, n2, gg] <= sum(m.place[n1, g] + m.place[n2, g] for g in gg)/2
def assign_pair_once(m, *nn):
return sum(m.paired_assignment[nn, gg] for gg in m.eligible_locations[nn]) == 1
# === QA ===
# m.pprint()
# === SOLVE ===
opt = pyo.SolverFactory('appsi_highs')
res = opt.solve(m, options={'mip_abs_gap': 1.1}, tee=True)
# abs gap implies that if we get within 1.0 of theoretical limit, that's good enough to stop.
if pyo.check_optimal_termination(res):
print('Optimal termination')
print(' --- placements ---')
for n in sorted(m.N):
for g in m.G:
if pyo.value(m.place[n, g]) > 0.5:
print(f'place {n} at {g}')
print(' --- pairing penalties ---')
for nngg in m.NNGG:
if pyo.value(m.paired_assignment[nngg]) > 0.5:
nn = nngg[:2]
gg = nngg[2:]
if nn in ge_reqts:
c = ge_reqts.get(nn, None)
penalty = ge_pairs[c][gg]
print(f'assign {nn} to (unordered) {gg} for penalty {penalty}', end='')
c = ae_reqts.get(nn, None)
penalty = ae_pairs[c][gg]
print(f'assign {nn} to (unordered) {gg} for penalty {penalty}', end='')
print(f' (dist: {geodesic_distances[gg[0]][gg[1]]})')
print('failed solve ... see log')
Solving report
Status Optimal
Primal bound 3
Dual bound 2
Gap 33.33% (tolerance: 36.67%)
Solution status feasible
3 (objective)
0 (bound viol.)
0 (int. viol.)
0 (row viol.)
Timing 782.32 (total)
0.28 (presolve)
0.00 (postsolve)
Nodes 170202
LP iterations 6791616 (total)
493334 (strong br.)
682673 (separation)
357533 (heuristics)
Optimal termination
- Lower bound: 2.0
Upper bound: 3.0
Number of objectives: 1
Number of constraints: 0
Number of variables: 0
Sense: 1
- Status: ok
Termination condition: optimal
Termination message: TerminationCondition.optimal
- number of solutions: 0
number of solutions displayed: 0
--- placements ---
place 0 at 33
place 1 at 12
place 2 at 27
place 3 at 25
place 4 at 31
--- pairing penalties ---
assign (0, 1) to (unordered) (12, 33) for penalty 0 (dist: 3)
assign (0, 2) to (unordered) (27, 33) for penalty 0 (dist: 2)
assign (0, 3) to (unordered) (25, 33) for penalty 0 (dist: 2)
assign (0, 4) to (unordered) (31, 33) for penalty 1 (dist: 2)
assign (1, 2) to (unordered) (12, 27) for penalty 0 (dist: 3)
assign (1, 3) to (unordered) (12, 25) for penalty 0 (dist: 3)
assign (1, 4) to (unordered) (12, 31) for penalty 1 (dist: 5)
assign (2, 3) to (unordered) (25, 27) for penalty 0 (dist: 2)
assign (2, 4) to (unordered) (27, 31) for penalty 0 (dist: 4)
assign (3, 4) to (unordered) (25, 31) for penalty 1 (dist: 2)
Process finished with exit code 0