The following PL/SQL block...
doc_ dbms_XmlDom.DomDocument := Dbms_XmlDom.newDomDocument;
nd_ dbms_XmlDom.DomNode;
nd2_ dbms_XmlDom.DomNode;
tag_ dbms_XmlDom.DomElement;
out_ VARCHAR2(32000);
ns_ VARCHAR2(20) := 'cp';
Dbms_XmlDom.setVersion (doc_, '1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes');
tag_ := Dbms_XmlDom.createElement (
doc => doc_,
tagName => 'coreProperties',
ns => ns_
nd2_ := Dbms_XmlDom.makeNode (tag_);
nd_ := Dbms_XmlDom.appendChild (Dbms_XmlDom.makeNode(doc_), nd2_);
out_ := Dbms_XmlDom.getXmlType(doc_).getClobVal;
Dbms_XmlDom.freeDocument (doc_);
Dbms_Output.Put_Line (out_);
... produces this XML output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
I would expect it to create this output instead (i.e. with the tag-name being namespaced)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
I know I can change the createElement()
call to generate the desired output
--- blah...
tag_ := Dbms_XmlDom.createElement (
doc => doc_,
tagName => ns_ || ':coreProperties'
--- blah
... but that seems silly when there's a documented ns
parameter that's expecting data to be passed into it. (It also becomes a little verbose and messy in a real-world setting).
What am I missing here? What am I doing wrong?
(Tested in Oracle Free 23ai, but should be backwardly compatible to Oracle 11)
You can add a prefix to your node with the setPrefix
procedure - in your example this works against either nd_
or nd2_
Dbms_XmlDom.setPrefix (nd_, ns_);
And you can declare the namespace with setAttribute
, which you may already know:
Dbms_XmlDom.setAttribute(tag_, 'xmlns:cp', '');
Adding those to your code gives you:
doc_ dbms_XmlDom.DomDocument := Dbms_XmlDom.newDomDocument;
nd_ dbms_XmlDom.DomNode;
nd2_ dbms_XmlDom.DomNode;
tag_ dbms_XmlDom.DomElement;
out_ VARCHAR2(32000);
ns_ VARCHAR2(20) := 'cp';
Dbms_XmlDom.setVersion (doc_, '1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes');
tag_ := Dbms_XmlDom.createElement (
doc => doc_,
tagName => 'coreProperties',
ns => ns_
Dbms_XmlDom.setAttribute(tag_, 'xmlns:cp', '');
nd2_ := Dbms_XmlDom.makeNode (tag_);
nd_ := Dbms_XmlDom.appendChild (Dbms_XmlDom.makeNode(doc_), nd2_);
Dbms_XmlDom.setPrefix (nd_, ns_);
out_ := Dbms_XmlDom.getXmlType(doc_).getClobVal;
Dbms_XmlDom.freeDocument (doc_);
Dbms_Output.Put_Line (out_);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<cp:coreProperties xmlns:cp=""/>
fiddle (as 21c, also works the same in 23ai and 11gR2)