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How can I query the System.Id to get only the number

Currently I'm using this command to query the details of the az boards, but I only need the System.Id number 0941248, is there a way to filter this out?

az boards query --wiql "SELECT [System.Id] FROM workitems WHERE [System.State] IN ('New') and [System.Title] = '[Test ticket] CVE found for mssql'"

and here is the output:

    "fields": {
      "System.Id": 0941248
    "id": 0941248,
    "relations": null,
    "rev": 1,
    "url": ""


  • You can use below powershell to get the System.Id:

    $jsonOutput = az boards query --wiql "SELECT [System.Id] FROM workitems WHERE [System.State] IN ('New') and [System.Title] = '[Test ticket] CVE found for mssql'" | ConvertFrom-Json
    Write-Output $jsonOutput.fields.''

    enter image description here

    On Ubuntu with Bash, you can install jq via comamnd sudo apt-get install jq, then get the target id:

    az boards query --wiql "SELECT [System.Id] FROM workitems WHERE [System.State] IN ('New') and [System.Title] = '[Test ticket] CVE found for mssql'" | jq '.[].fields."System.Id"'

    enter image description here