I'm new to QT.
I'm writing an application that shows the camera to qml and records the video at the same time.
I've been able to display the camera image and record it. However, I don't know how to set the name for the recorded video and the path to save the recording.
I read that there is an outputLocation to use: however, when I enter the path, it takes the path name as the video name.
I use: win 10 and QT6.4.3
Below is my source code: App.qml
import QtQuick 6.2
import QtMultimedia
import recordcamera
Window {
width: 800
height: 600
visible: false
title: "recordcamera"
MediaDevices {
id: mediaDevices
Component.onCompleted: {
Component.onDestruction: {
CaptureSession {
id: captureSession
camera: Camera {
id: camera
cameraDevice: mediaDevices.defaultVideoInput
focusMode: Camera.FocusModeAutoNear
active: true
onErrorOccurred: (error,errorString)=> {
console.log( "camera");
audioInput: AudioInput {}
recorder: MediaRecorder {
id: recorder
onErrorOccurred: (error,errorString)=> {
console.log( "recorder");
quality: MediaRecorder.NormalQuality
outputLocation: "D:\\recordcamera\\build\\Desktop_Qt_6_6_3_MSVC2019_64bit-Release\\test.mp4"
videoOutput: videoOutput
VideoOutput {
id: videoOutput
anchors.fill: parent
fillMode: Image.Stretch
I'm sorry to bother you.
I used the wrong outputLocation.
outputLocation: "D:\recordcamera\build\Desktop_Qt_6_6_3_MSVC2019_64bit-Release\test.mp4"
outputLocation: "file:\\D:\recordcamera\build\Desktop_Qt_6_6_3_MSVC2019_64bit-Release\test.mp4"