I'm using a table: https://codepen.io/Offirmo/full/rNgjdEb
I've googled it, added margin+padding: 0, fiddled with the dev tools, but I wasn't able to remove it:
table {
table-layout: fixed;
border-collapse: collapse;
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
How may I remove it? Is it even a cell padding or something else?
🤦♂️ found the issue myself.
It's not padding, it's "magic space" = simple whitespace. (more details: article from 2012)
The solution is to turn this (incorrect) html:
<span ...
Into this:
<td><span><span ...
Also CodePen's feature "format html" is partially responsible, adding whitespace (indentation) to the code above. So if using CodePen, one has to disable "format on save".