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py2exe strangley hanging with wxPython program using IEHtmlWindow

I have a Python 2.7.2 program with wxPython 2.8.12 and comtypes 0.6.2 dependencies on a win XP SP3 machine. I am using py2exe to produce windows distributables with the following setup:

    options = {
        "py2exe": {
                   "packages": ['wx.lib.pubsub']
   windows = [
           "script" : "",
   data_files=[("bitmaps", ["../resources/icons/app_big.png",

I am also using the IEHtmlWindow control.

What is happening is that whenever I issue the command at the Python console, py2exe runs for a second with the following output:

running py2exe * searching for required modules *

and then appears to hang indefinitely until I press Ctr+z.

I have tracked down the problem to the import :

from wx.lib.iewin import IEHtmlWindow

which seems to be causing the problem.

Any suggestions?


  • Solved, the problem was that comtypes generated a very large module file which was taking too much time to parse by py2exe:


    The workaround is to patch py2exe source code (ver 0.6.9) as pointed out by Erez Bibi in his post:

    and now with the setup file

                 "py2exe": {
                            'packages': ['wx.lib.pubsub'],
                            'includes': ['comtypes.gen._3050F1C5_98B5_11CF_BB82_00AA00BDCE0B_0_4_0'],
                            'skip_scan': ['comtypes.gen._3050F1C5_98B5_11CF_BB82_00AA00BDCE0B_0_4_0']

    everything seems to be working great once again.