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Unable to get site id of Subsite

i am trying to upload file to a sharepoint subsite document library and struggling in getting the site id / drive id of subsite and document library.

I already follow this article(,%3E%2F_api%2Fweb%2Fid) and it is giving me web id but when i am doing the Get call to ( is giving below error

{ "error": { "code": "itemNotFound", "message": "Item not found", "innerError": { "date": "2024-05-22T13:43:03", "request-id": "1771c172-052d-4d54-9087-66c891ebb869", "client-request-id": "1771c172-052d-4d54-9087-66c891ebb869" } } }


  • To get the subsite you have to first get the webid of subsite by following this url "" and once you have that you can do a Get call to for subsite details,webid

    To get the drives list under subsite follow,webid/drives