I have the following templated data structure
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cfloat>
#include <type_traits>
#include <algorithm>
constexpr bool is_base_2(uint64_t number){
return (number != 1) && ((number & (number - 1)) == 0);
constexpr uint64_t power(uint64_t number, uint8_t index){
uint64_t current{number};
for(uint8_t i{1}; i <= index; i++){
current *= number;
return current;
// implementation details: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fixed-point_arithmetic
template <
std::size_t size,
uint64_t scaling_factor_inverse,
bool is_signed = true,
typename = typename std::enable_if_t<is_base_2(scaling_factor_inverse)>,
typename UnderlyingIntegerType =
typename std::conditional_t<(size == 16) && is_signed,
typename std::conditional_t<(size == 16) && !is_signed,
typename std::conditional_t<(size == 32) && is_signed,
typename std::conditional_t<(size == 32) && !is_signed,
typename std::conditional_t<(size == 64) && is_signed,
typename std::conditional_t<(size == 64) && !is_signed,
class fixed{
friend struct std::hash<fixed<size, scaling_factor_inverse, is_signed>>;
template <
typename Number,
typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<Number> , int> = 0>
fixed(const Number& number){
std::is_signed_v<Number> ? is_signed : true,
"cannot create unsigned fixed-point from signed arithmetic type"
data = number * scaling_factor_inverse;
fixed( const fixed & ) = default;
typename Number,
typename = typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<Number>>
operator Number() const
std::is_unsigned_v<Number> ? !is_signed : true,
"cannot convert signed fixed-point to an unsigned arithmetic type"
static_cast<long double>(data) /
UnderlyingIntegerType data;
fixed() = default;
template<std::size_t Size, uint64_t ScalingFactorInverse, bool Signed>
struct std::hash<fixed<Size, ScalingFactorInverse, Signed>>{
std::size_t operator()(fixed<Size, ScalingFactorInverse, Signed> number) const {
static std::hash<decltype(number.data)> hasher{};
return hasher(number.data);
I am trying to create a specialisation of std::hash for this class as follows
template<std::size_t Size, uint64_t ScalingFactorInverse, bool Signed>
struct std::hash<fixed<Size, ScalingFactorInverse, Signed>>{
std::size_t operator()(fixed<Size, ScalingFactorInverse, Signed> number) const {
static std::hash<decltype(number.data)> hasher{};
return hasher(number.data);
but I am receiving a the compilation error
error: expected parameter declarator
std::size_t operator()(fixed<Size, ScalingFactorInverse, Signed> number) const {
src/main/util/fixed_point.h:181:74: error: expected ')'
std::size_t operator()(fixed<Size, ScalingFactorInverse, Signed> number) const {
I have been unable to determine the cause of this issue, I would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction.
I have tried to replace
std::size_t operator()(fixed<Size, ScalingFactorInverse, Signed> number) const {
but I think this may cause issues somewhere else (I'm not sure?).
You need to add ::
to fixed
in the operator()
or else it may pick up std::fixed
which is a function in the std
namespace (which is where your specialization lives):
template<std::size_t Size, uint64_t ScalingFactorInverse, bool Signed>
struct std::hash<fixed<Size, ScalingFactorInverse, Signed>>{
std::size_t operator()(::fixed<Size, ScalingFactorInverse, Signed> number) const {
// ^^
static std::hash<decltype(number.data)> hasher{};
return hasher(number.data);