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Non-class type 'MyEnum' cannot conform to class protocol 'PersistentModel'

How do i make the following enumType NotificationType to

conform to class protocol 'PersistentModel'

I'm using this for SwiftData schema. I can do a workaround and make var type: Int or some other type but it will make the code prone to errors and mistakes in long run.

enum NotificationType{
    case promotion, transaction

@available(iOS 17, *)
class NotificationObject {
    var id = UUID()
    var type: NotificationType

    init(id: UUID = UUID(), type: NotificationType) { = id
        self.type = type

Any help is appericiated.


  • In SwiftData value types such as enum or struct need to conform to Codable to be correctly saved.

    enum NotificationType: Codable {
        case promotion, transaction

    In SwiftData only classes can be used as model