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Headless UI Disclosure render prop error: "Functions are not valid as a child of Client Components."

I tried to use a Navbar from the Tailwind component library, but there's something wrong with the way I'm using Headless UI. I'm following and I can't figure out how to implement the render prop example. I have a Next.js project and two main files, page.tsx and Example.tsx

import React from "react";
import Example from "@/components/ui/Example";

export default function Home() {
  return (
      <Example />
import { Disclosure, DisclosureButton, DisclosurePanel } from "@headlessui/react";
import { ChevronDownIcon } from "@heroicons/react/20/solid";
import clsx from "clsx";

export default function Example() {
  return (
      {({ open }) => (
          <DisclosureButton className="flex items-center gap-2">
            Do you offer technical support?
            <ChevronDownIcon className={clsx("w-5", open && "rotate-180")} />

I am getting:

Error: Functions are not valid as a child of Client Components. This may happen if you return children instead of from render. Or maybe you meant to call this function rather than return it. <... children={function children}>

The problem seems to be the {({open}) => ...} function. I need to turn it into a valid component, but I don't know how.


  • In NextJS, all components are Server Components by default.

    Disclosure needs to be a Client component because it has to be interactive (show/hide) and may be using some hooks (which is only available in client components)

    // add "use client" directive
    "use client"
    import { Disclosure, DisclosureButton, DisclosurePanel } from "@headlessui/react";
    import { ChevronDownIcon } from "@heroicons/react/20/solid";
    import clsx from "clsx";
    export default function Example() {
      return (
          {({ open }) => (
              <DisclosureButton className="flex items-center gap-2">
                Do you offer technical support?
                <ChevronDownIcon className={clsx("w-5", open && "rotate-180")} />