I need to draw a scatterplot in DENEB (vega or vega lite). Basically I need to create a scatter plot where I will have x and y sorted ascending and plot against each other, ... so the number are not correlated to each other anymore
Please have a look at the attached image
I tried but I cant sore x and y in the same time. I guess I need to split this into two seperate lists, sort them and merge into one dataset???
"data": {
"values": [
{"x": "1", "y": "3.2"},
{"x": "2", "y": "1.9"},
{"x": "4", "y": "2.1"},
{"x": "3", "y": "4.5"},
{"x": "6", "y": "5.1"},
{"x": "5", "y": "8.5"},
{"x": "7", "y": "6"},
{"x": "8", "y": "7.9"},
{"x": "9", "y": "9.1"},
{"x": "10", "y": "11"}
"mark": {"type":"line",
"encoding": {
"x": {"field": "x", "type": "quantitative"},
"y": {"field": "y", "type": "quantitative"}
Vega only solution.
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v5.json",
"background": "white",
"padding": 5,
"width": 200,
"height": 200,
"style": "cell",
"data": [
"name": "source_0",
"values": [
{"x": 1, "y": 3.2},
{"x": 2, "y": 1.9},
{"x": 4, "y": 2.1},
{"x": 3, "y": 4.5},
{"x": 6, "y": 5.1},
{"x": 5, "y": 8.5},
{"x": 7, "y": 6},
{"x": 8, "y": 7.9},
{"x": 9, "y": 9.1},
{"x": 10, "y": 11}
"transform": [
"type": "window",
"params": [null],
"as": ["row"],
"ops": ["row_number"],
"fields": [null],
"sort": {"field": [], "order": []}
{"type": "collect", "sort": {"field": "y"}}
"name": "data_0",
"source": "source_0",
"transform": [
{"type": "collect", "sort": {"field": "x"}},
{"type": "formula", "expr": "pluck(data('source_0'),'y')[datum.row-1]", "as": "newY"}
"name": "data_1",
"source": "data_0",
"transform": [
"type": "filter",
"expr": "isValid(datum[\"x\"]) && isFinite(+datum[\"x\"]) && isValid(datum[\"y\"]) && isFinite(+datum[\"y\"])"
"marks": [
"name": "layer_0_marks",
"type": "line",
"style": ["line"],
"sort": {"field": "datum[\"x\"]"},
"from": {"data": "data_0"},
"encode": {
"update": {
"stroke": {"value": "#4c78a8"},
"description": {
"signal": "\"x: \" + (format(datum[\"x\"], \"\")) + \"; y: \" + (format(datum[\"y\"], \"\"))"
"x": {"scale": "x", "field": "x"},
"y": {"scale": "y", "field": "newY"},
"defined": {
"signal": "isValid(datum[\"x\"]) && isFinite(+datum[\"x\"]) && isValid(datum[\"y\"]) && isFinite(+datum[\"y\"])"
"name": "layer_1_marks",
"type": "symbol",
"style": ["point"],
"from": {"data": "data_1"},
"encode": {
"update": {
"opacity": {"value": 1},
"fill": {"value": "#4c78a8"},
"ariaRoleDescription": {"value": "point"},
"description": {
"signal": "\"x: \" + (format(datum[\"x\"], \"\")) + \"; y: \" + (format(datum[\"y\"], \"\"))"
"x": {"scale": "x", "field": "x"},
"y": {"scale": "y", "field": "newY"}
"scales": [
"name": "x",
"type": "linear",
"domain": {
"fields": [
{"data": "data_0", "field": "x"},
{"data": "data_1", "field": "x"}
"range": [0, {"signal": "width"}],
"nice": true,
"zero": false
"name": "y",
"type": "linear",
"domain": {
"fields": [
{"data": "data_0", "field": "y"},
{"data": "data_1", "field": "y"}
"range": [{"signal": "height"}, 0],
"nice": true,
"zero": true
"axes": [
"scale": "x",
"orient": "bottom",
"gridScale": "y",
"grid": true,
"tickCount": {"signal": "ceil(width/40)"},
"domain": false,
"labels": false,
"aria": false,
"maxExtent": 0,
"minExtent": 0,
"ticks": false,
"zindex": 0
"scale": "y",
"orient": "left",
"gridScale": "x",
"grid": true,
"tickCount": {"signal": "ceil(height/40)"},
"domain": false,
"labels": false,
"aria": false,
"maxExtent": 0,
"minExtent": 0,
"ticks": false,
"zindex": 0
"scale": "x",
"orient": "bottom",
"grid": false,
"title": "x",
"labelFlush": true,
"labelOverlap": true,
"tickCount": {"signal": "ceil(width/40)"},
"zindex": 0
"scale": "y",
"orient": "left",
"grid": false,
"title": "y",
"labelOverlap": true,
"tickCount": {"signal": "ceil(height/40)"},
"zindex": 0