I created a temporary file in VSCode, I hit the run ▸ button, located at the top left of the screen, which comes with the CodeRunner
extension, but it keeps giving me:
TypeError [ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION]: Unknown file extension ".javascript" for c:\foo\bar\baz-fooo\baaaaaar.javascript
I tried to set the language mode to Javascript (which was already set to Javascript), but I kept getting the same error.
Which means you need to have node installed and configured in the executor map.
Type node -v in your terminal. It should print a version. If node isn't installed or the PATH isn't set, it will return an error.
This should be set by default, but just in case: In the Extension settings, find Code-runner: Executor Map and click 'Edit in settings.json'. It should have the entry
"javascript": "node"