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error when puplish alpha testing release in flutter using azure devops into google store

I am trying to publish alpha testing aab into google store but I am face this error

Error: invalid grant: Invalid grant: account not found

enter image description here

I am using actual userName of googleplay console and I certain that its correct

I am using google realease task and this is my code

  release.GooglePlayRelease@4 displayName:
    'Releaseto alpha' inputs: serviceConnection: 
    'my_service_connection' applicationId: MyAppId
     bundleFile: i put mypath track: alpha 
     changeLogFile: i put mypath


  • This error occurs because your Azure pipeline is unable to find the google play service connection. Make sure you create a google play service connection with correct private key and use it in your task like below:-

    • Login to Developer console
    • Setup an API access
    • In the Service Accounts > Create New Service Connection > In a Service Accounts IAM & Admin page > Create Service account > Add the Service account name > ID and Description > Add Owner role for the Service connection
    • Create the service connection and Add the Json Key for google service connection
    • Now, Copy this Key in Azure Devops Service connection below:-

    enter image description here

    Now use the Service connection in your google play release task like below:-

    enter image description here

    Complete Pipeline:-

    - main
      vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
    - task: UsePythonVersion@0
        versionSpec: '3.x'
        addToPath: true
    # Install Flutter
    - task: UseFlutter@1
        version: 'stable'
        cache: true
    # Get Flutter dependencies
    - script: |
        flutter pub get
      displayName: 'Get Flutter Dependencies'
    # Build the Flutter app for Android
    - script: |
        flutter build appbundle --release
      displayName: 'Build Flutter App for Android'
    # Publish build artifacts
    - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
        targetPath: 'build/app/outputs/bundle/release'
        artifact: 'drop'
        publishLocation: 'pipeline'
    # Download build artifacts
    - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
      displayName: 'Download Build Artifacts'
        artifactName: 'drop'
        downloadPath: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/drop'
    # Release to Google Play alpha track
    - task: GooglePlayRelease@4
        serviceConnection: 'GplayconnectionService'
        applicationId: 'xxxxx.myapp'
        action: 'SingleBundle'
        bundleFile: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/drop/app.aab'
        track: 'alpha'
        changeLogFile: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/drop/changelog.txt'

    Reference taken from Configure Azure DevOps to distribute your Android application to Google Play Damien Aicheh