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adding node exporter info to prometheus query

I am running multiple docker stacks all providing the infrastructure for a product. Internally those docker stacks are monitored using Prometheus and alert to a teams channel. I want all docker stacks alerting to the same teams channel but need a way to tell from which server the notification came.

For example with my rule

  - alert: InstanceDown
    expr: up == 0
    for: 0m
      severity: critical

I am generating alerts for instances that go down. But since I have multiple stacks where all the services have the same internal host-names and IPs the alert generated and send to teams is missing the information from which server the alert came.

I was thinking to maybe merge some node-exporter information like node_dmi_info into the alert expr (up ==0), but I was not able to figure that out yet.

And I am also assuming that the alert only has access to the results of its expression so that I can't simply add something like

      host: "{{ $labels.product_name }}" 

trying to access node-exporter information.


  • I ended up injecting the hostname coming from the hostname command into prometheus and using that for the alerts by using the flag: --enable-feature=expand-external-labels and the following config:

            cluster: ${CLUSTER_NAME}
      - rules.yml
        - source_labels: [cluster]
          action: replace
          regex: (.*)
          replacement: "$1"
          target_label: cluster
        - static_configs:
          - targets:
            - 'prometheus-alert:9093'

    as explained here: