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Azure ACS: CreateCall works but CallMedia Play is unauthorized

I am following this tutorial Using this same code, I called and it works perfectly.

Next step, I called with the callConnectionId I obtained from the previous API call.. and I keep getting

    "error": {
        "code": "7509",
        "message": "HMAC-SHA256 validation failed"

My body for CallMedia-> play is

  "playSources": [
      "kind": "text",
      "text": {"voiceKind": "male", "text": "Hello. This is Microsoft calling. If you are trying to authenticate, please press the pound or hash key now", "sourceLocale" : "en-US"}
  "playTo": [
        "phoneNumber": {
            "value": "+11231230672"

Where am I going wrong?

I tried changing

    value: "HMAC-SHA256 SignedHeaders=date;host;x-ms-content-sha256&Signature=" + signature


pm.request.headers.upsert({ key:'Authorization', value: "HMAC-SHA256 Credential=" + pm.variables.get("credential") + "&SignedHeaders=x-ms-date;host;x-ms-content-sha256&Signature=" + signature });

But that leads to an "invalid header parameter"

I tried hardcoding endpoint, url .. but no luck.

Can you please help?


  • The issue with HMAC-SHA256 validation when trying to make a call to the Azure Communication Services (ACS) API for playing media during a call due to invalid key details.

    The following are steps to CallMedia play:

    • Create and configure a Postman collection
    • Add the pre-request script from this link
    // Set the Date header to our Date as a UTC String.
    const dateStr = new Date().toUTCString();
    pm.request.headers.upsert({key:'Date', value: dateStr});
    // Hash the request body using SHA256 and encode it as Base64
    const hashedBodyStr = CryptoJS.SHA256(pm.request.body.raw).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64)
    // And add that to the header x-ms-content-sha256
        value: hashedBodyStr
    // Get our previously specified endpoint variable
    const endpoint = pm.variables.get('endpoint')
    // Remove the https, prefix to create a suitable "Host" value
    const hostStr = endpoint.replace('https://','');
    // This gets the part of our URL that is after the endpoint, for example in, it will get '/sms'
    const url = pm.request.url.toString().replace('{{endpoint}}','');
    // Construct our string which we'll sign, using various previously created values.
    const stringToSign = pm.request.method + '\n' + url + '\n' + dateStr + ';' + hostStr + ';' + hashedBodyStr;
    // Decode our access key from previously created variables, into bytes from base64.
    const key = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(pm.variables.get('key'));
    // Sign our previously calculated string with HMAC 256 and our key. Convert it to Base64.
    const signature = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(stringToSign, key).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
    // Add our final signature in Base64 to the authorization header of the request.
        value: "HMAC-SHA256 SignedHeaders=date;host;x-ms-content-sha256&Signature=" + signature
    • Connect the Cognitive Services to the Communication Service Enter image description here Add collection variables for Call Setup and create two variables:

    • key - This variable should be one of your keys from your Azure Communication Services' key page within the Azure portal. For example, oW...A==.

    • endpoint - This variable should be your Azure Communication Services' endpoint from the key page. Ensure you remove the trailing slash. For example,

    Enter image description here

    Call Setup with Cognitive Services:

    Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
      "callbackUri": "",
      "targets": [
          "kind": "phoneNumber",
          "phoneNumber": {
            "value": "+919"
      "sourceCallerIdNumber": {
        "value": "+183"
      "sourceDisplayName": "Contoso Support",
      "callIntelligenceOptions": {
        "cognitiveServicesEndpoint": "https://<your-cognitive-service-endpoint>"

    Enter image description here

    Play Call with Text-to-Speech:

    Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
      "playSources": [
          "kind": "text",
          "text": {
            "voiceKind": "male",
            "text": "Hello. This is Microsoft calling. If you are trying to authenticate, please press the pound or hash key now",
            "sourceLocale": "en-US"
      "playTo": [
          "kind": "phoneNumber",
          "phoneNumber": {
            "value": "+919"
      "playOptions": {
        "loop": true
      "operationCallbackUri": ""


    Enter image description here