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man no longer works in Cygwin

I have cygwin version 3.4.10-1.x86_64 installed on my windows 7 machine. Until recently I could call man on any topic, e.g. $ man man; $man ls, etc. and the relevant man page would be displayed. I then ran setup-x86.exe and noticed that in the View section of the select packages screen there was a dropdown named "Unneeded". Possibly foolishly, I selected these and then next and let the package manager go to work. Now I get no output whatsoever. As far as I can tell all other applications I have installed and use work as I expect.

I tried calling $ man -> no output; expected usage message I tried calling $ man man -> no output; expected display of information about man pages I tried calling $ man ls -> no output; expected display of information about ls command

I tried reinstalling man-pages-linux. At the end of the install I get the message below:

Post install script errors: These do not mean that affected packages will fail to function properly, but please check Package: 0/Perpetual /var/log/setup.log.full and report any problems. 0p_texlive_prep.dash exit code 127 Package: _/Unknown package exit code 127 exit code 127 exit code 127

I can see I have man.exe, mandb.exe, cygman-2-12-1.dll, cygmandb-2-12-1.dll in /bin. I can see I have man1 ... man8 folders in /usr/share/man The man.n.gz files are within the above folders. I have man-pages-6.8.pdf in /usr/share/doc


  • did you try:

    cygcheck man

    it may produce a message to help