I'm trying to access the headers, url path, query parameters and other http information associated with a request received by my poem server. The server uses poem-openapi and tokio to receive and process requests. Here's the driving code from main.rs:
// Create the routes and run the server.
let addr = format!("{}{}", "", RUNTIME_CTX.parms.config.http_port);
let ui = api_service.swagger_ui();
let app = Route::new()
.nest("/v1", api_service)
.nest("/", ui)
.at("/spec", spec)
.at("/spec_yaml", spec_yaml);
// ------------------ Main Loop -------------------
// We expect the certificate and key to be in the external data directory.
let key = RUNTIME_CTX.tms_dirs.certs_dir.clone() + TMSS_KEY_FILE;
let cert = RUNTIME_CTX.tms_dirs.certs_dir.clone() + TMSS_CERT_FILE;
Multiple endpoints work just fine, but I'm having a hard time accessing detailed request information in my asynchronous endpoint code that looks something like this:
impl MyApi {
#[oai(path = "/myapp/endpoint", method = "post")]
async fn get_new_ssh_keys(&self, req: Json<MyReq>) -> Json<MyResp> {
let resp = match MyResp::process(&req) { ... } }
I tried using poem::web::FromRequest, poem_openapi::param::Header and other interfaces, but the documentation is a bit sparse. One concrete question is how do I access the http headers in the endpoint code? Thanks.
You would extract the &HeaderMap
use poem::http::HeaderMap;
async fn get_new_ssh_keys(&self, headers: &HeaderMap, req: Json<MyReq>) -> Json<MyResp> {
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The only types that can be used as parameters in your handlers are those that implement FromRequest
. You can consult the implementations listed in the docs to determine what you can use (poem_openapi::param::Header
is not one of them). More info is in the Extractors section of the main docs.
Likewise for URL, query, etc. there are the &Uri
and Query
extractors. If you're needing so much basic information from the request though, I'd suggest extracting the full &Request
which will have all that data (except the body I believe).