So i have two problems:
plt.hist(my_data, 25, histtype = 'step', edgecolor ='skyblue', alpha = 0.7, density = True, label = '17GHz',) plt.title('Horn 4', fontsize = 'x-large') plt.xlabel('Percentage of zeroes in the file [%]') plt.ylabel('Counts') plt.xticks(rotation = 45) # Rotate x-axis labels for better readability plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 110, 5)) # Adjust the number of x-axis ticks # start, stop, step plt.legend()
and plot
So first, why is that so ?? is there a way to fix this ? According to this stack subject (numpy histogram cumulative density does not sum to 1), I used
which led to my second problem
as with np.hist
... How
do I remove the edge color of the touching bars so that it looks like the above figure?[:-1], probability_densities_h4_19, width = np.diff(bins_h4_19), align='edge', edgecolor='skyblue', color ='white', label = '19 GHz')[:-1], probability_densities_h4_17, width = np.diff(bins_h4_17), align='edge', edgecolor='purple', color = '#FF000000', label = '17 GHz') plt.xlabel('Percentage of zeroes in the file [%]') plt.ylabel('Probability Density') plt.title('Horn 4')
So after a lot of searching, I realised that I wanted the y axis to be the probability density that my data falls into that bins. So I calculated this manually and plotted it with plt.stairs
and it worked just fine. Here is my code:
# plt.hist returns: The values of the histogram bins, The edges of the bins
hist_wd, bins_wd, _ = plt.hist(wd_column, bins = 25, alpha=0.6, edgecolor = 'b')
# add this to hide the plot
# Calculate the bin width
bin_width_wd = bins_wd[1] - bins_wd[0]
# Manually normalize the histogram counts to get the probability density
hist_density_wd = hist_wd / (len(wd_column))
plt.figure(figsize = (10,4))
plt.stairs(hist_density_wd, bins_wd, linewidth=2, color = 'blue' )