I am learning Object Oriented Programming for Python using Tkinter. I want to create a Class for each type of widgets (right now considering only Buttons).
I am passing the Button class to my main App class. Below is the code I have so far:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
class Buttons:
def __init__(self):
def buttons(self,text,width,cmd,col,row):
self.text = text
self.width = width
self.cmd = cmd
self.col = col
self.row = row
ttk.Button(text=self.text, width=self.width, command=self.cmd).grid(column=self.col,row=self.row)
class App(tk.Tk, Buttons):
def __init__(self):
b1 = self.buttons('Btn1',10,lambda: changeButton(),0,0)
b2 = self.buttons('Btn2',10,lambda: changeButton(),0,1)
# where should I place this function? How can I change button attributes?
def changeButton(self):
b1['text'] = 'Done' # If button 1 pressed
b2['text'] = 'OKAY' # If button 2 pressed
if __name__=="__main__":
app = App()
I have two questions -
Thank you
When I try the above code, I get the error:
line 20, in <lambda>
b1 = self.buttons('Btn1',10,lambda: changeButton(),0,0)
TypeError: changeButton() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'
There are many ways to perform this task, I've added comments inside the code for convenience reasons.
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
class MyButton(ttk.Button):
def __init__(self, text, width, cmd, col, row):
self.textvar = tk.StringVar() # create a StringVar object
self.textvar.set(text) # set the value of the StringVar object
self.config(textvariable=self.textvar, width=width)
self.bind('<Button-1>', cmd) # binding the cmd function with the Mouse '<Button-1>' event to MyButton object
class App(tk.Tk, MyButton):
def __init__(self):
MyButton('Btn1', 10, changeButton, 0, 0)
MyButton('Btn2', 10, changeButton, 0, 1)
# where should I place this function? How can I change button attributes?
def changeButton(event):
event is the Mouse '<Button-1>' event object containing information about the event
event.widget is the MyButton object that generated the event
event.widget.textvar is the StringVar object of the MyButton object
event.widget.textvar.get() returns the value of the StringVar object
event.widget.textvar.set() sets the value of the StringVar object
print(dir(event)) to see all the attributes of the event object
text = (
'Done' if event.widget.textvar.get() == 'Btn1' else
'OKAY' if event.widget.textvar.get() == 'Btn2' else
'Btn1' if event.widget.textvar.get() == 'Done' else
if __name__=="__main__":
app = App()