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Bin evenly: remainder spacing is uneven

I'm writing a script to evenly bin an arbitrary number $epi into an arbitrary number of bins $dpi. epi stands for Ends per Inch. dpi means Dents per Inch. There are 3 requirements:

  • bin number should be reduced by the lowest common factor if possible
    • e.g. 10 epi in 6 dpi should be represented by 5 epi in 3 dpi
  • bin population should be as uniform as possible
    • e.g. 2-2-1 is better than 3-1-1
  • short bins should be evenly distributed across the bin array
    • e.g. 1-0-1-0-1 is better than 1-1-1-0-0

This is what I have so far. It mostly does what I need but when the space() method is run, if its foreach loop has to execute more than once, the distribution of $epi is not even.

class ReedSubstitution{

    public $epi;
    public $dpi;

    function substitute($e,$d){
        if(empty($this->epi)||empty($this->dpi)) throw new Exception('Both desired ends per unit and available dents per unit must be specified.');

        if($this->epi%$this->dpi ==0) return array($this->epi/$this->dpi);//short circuit for easy case
        $this->unfraction();//make equivalent integers if dpi or epi are fractional
        $gcd= ($this->epi < $this->dpi) ? $this->euclid($this->epi,$this->dpi) : $this->euclid($this->dpi,$this->epi);

        $q=floor($e/$d);//count that every dent gets
        $r=$e%$d;//extra to be spread out over array
        return $reed;

protected function unfraction(){
    if($this->epi-intval($this->epi)){ //epi has a fractional component
    if($this->dpi-intval($this->dpi)){//dpi has a fractional component

 * @desc  evenly distribute remaining ends over entirety of dents
 * @param Array $reed, dents in one pattern repeat
 * @param Integer $r, remaining ends to be distributed
protected function space(&$reed,$r){
    $jump=($r < $c-$r) ? $r : $c-$r;//use the smallest jump possible to reduce the looping
        for($i; $i<$c; $i=$i+$jump, $r--){
        $i=array_search(min($reed),$reed);//begin next loop (if necessary) at position with fewest ends
     * @desc return greatest common divisor as determined by Euclid's algorithm
     * @param integer $large
     * @param integer $small
     * @return integer
    protected function euclid($large, $small){
        if($modulus==0) {
            return $small;
        } else if($modulus==1){
            return 1;
        } else {
            return $this->euclid($small,$modulus);//recursion

Bad output:

$r=new ReedSubstitution();

[0] => 1
[1] => 1
[2] => 1
[3] => 0
[4] => 0
[5] => 0
[6] => 0
[7] => 0
[8] => 0
[9] => 1
[10] => 1
[11] => 1
[12] => 0
[13] => 0
[14] => 0
[15] => 0
[16] => 0
[17] => 0
[18] => 1
[19] => 1
[20] => 0
[21] => 0
[22] => 0
[23] => 0
[24] => 0
[25] => 0
[26] => 0
[27] => 1

What the above distribution should look like:

[0] => 1
[1] => 0
[2] => 0
[3] => 1
[4] => 0
[5] => 0
[6] => 1
[7] => 0
[8] => 0
[9] => 1
[10] => 0
[11] => 0
[12] => 1
[13] => 0
[14] => 0
[15] => 1
[16] => 0
[17] => 0
[18] => 1
[19] => 0
[20] => 0
[21] => 1
[22] => 0
[23] => 0
[24] => 1
[25] => 0
[26] => 0
[27] => 0

How can I fix the space() method so that binning requiring more than one loop will produce an acceptable distribution?


  • I hope this would help or at least point you to the right direction:

    protected function space(&$reed, $r)
        $totalReeds = count($reed);
        $f = floor($r/$totalReeds);
        $d = ($r % $totalReeds) / $totalReeds;
        $c = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $totalReeds; $i++)
            $add = round($f + $d + $c);
            $reed[$i] += $add;
            $c = $c + $f + $d - $add;

    It can, however, produce not exactly what you might expect:

        [0] => 2
        [1] => 1
        [2] => 2
        [3] => 2
        [4] => 1
        [5] => 2
        [6] => 1
        [7] => 2

    Although the result is an even distribution.

    P.S. I didn't quite understand real website related problem you dealing with, but I hope I grasped the math concept right.