I have two strings the first one looks like this: 24,36,78,98 the second one like this: 25,36,88,98
Now what i want to do is to compare the two strings in sql and only return the numbers that are the same in each string.
Is this possible in sql or do i have to write my own function in like PL/SQL?
I googled but could not find any answers to this question.
This can be done in sql or pl/sql depending on your needs:
If you have Oracle APEX installed in your db you have the APEX_STRING
api that you can use to convert the string to an array. Then use the MULTISET
operator to get the intersect of the values:
set serveroutput on size 999999
clear screen
l_string1 VARCHAR2(100) := '24,36,78,98';
l_string2 VARCHAR2(100) := '25,36,88,98';
l_string_intersect VARCHAR2(100);
l_string1_arr apex_t_varchar2;
l_string2_arr apex_t_varchar2;
l_intersect_arr apex_t_varchar2;
l_string1_arr := apex_string.split(l_string1,',');
l_string2_arr := apex_string.split(l_string2,',');
l_intersect_arr := l_string1_arr MULTISET INTERSECT l_string2_arr;
l_string_intersect := apex_string.join(l_intersect_arr,',');
dbms_output.put_line('intersect values: '||l_string_intersect);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
intersect values: 36,98
Without APEX and if you still want pl/sql, then use a sql technique to split (see below) and use the MULTISET
operator to get the intersect.
for sql, have a look at this blog on the various methods to split a comma separated string into values.
Here is an example of how to do it using a technique described in the blog above:
string1 as (
select '24,36,78,98' str from dual
string2 as (
select '25,36,88,98' str from dual
string1_tab as (
select regexp_substr (
) value
from string1
connect by level <=
length ( str ) - length ( replace ( str, ',' ) ) + 1
string2_tab as (
select regexp_substr (
) value
from string2
connect by level <=
length ( str ) - length ( replace ( str, ',' ) ) + 1
select * from string1_tab
select * from string2_tab