Is there any way we can create menu items in Google Sheets through "non-bound" (standalone) scripts? I read some official documentation on getUI, but found nothing so far in regards to non-bound scripts. The following was my initial attempt, but no menu item is generating on my Google Sheet...
function onOpen() {
const id = "1AHHRp0YNltB...";
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(id);
const tab = sheet.getSheetByName("results");
const menu = sheet.getUi();
menu.createMenu("send email").addItem("Approve", "approver").addToUi();
function appover() {
const id = "1AHHRp0YNltB...";
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(id);
const menu = sheet.getUi();
const res = menu.alert("Okay?", menu.ButtonSet.YES_NO);
With feedback/resources provided so far (thanks!), I'm trying my best to craft an installable open trigger programmatically with little documentation support on the how-to. Here is my latest effort...but no menu item displaying in my Google Sheet yet. How far off am I?
function mTrigger() {
var ssid = "1AHHRp0YNltB_TOJftIX9...";
function mSheetMenu(event) {
event.createMenu("send email").addItem("Approve", "approver").addToUi();
function approver() {
console.log("show me something");
As Tanaike mentioned below, I'm coming into this question with the following background:
I have a Google Apps Script project of the standalone type and a Google Spreadsheet as the independent files, respectively.
I want to create a custom menu from the Google Apps Script project of the standalone type to the Google Spreadsheet.
Also, I want to make users execute the function in the Google Apps Script project of the standalone type from the created custom menu on the Spreadsheet.
I believe your situation is as follows.
First, I think that Wicket's answer is useful. Ref In this answer, I would like to explain the modification points of your showing script. When I saw your showing script, I thought of the following modification points.
in the event object event
. By this, the custom menu is not created. I guess that an error like event.createMenu is not a function
is not run. Because function approver() {,,,}
is included in the function mSheetMenu
.When these points are reflected in your script, how about the following modification?
function mTrigger() {
var ssid = "###"; // Please set your SpreadsheetID.
var functionName = "mSheetMenu";
ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers().forEach(t => {
if (t.getHandlerFunction() == functionName) {
function mSheetMenu(event) {
event.source.addMenu("send email", [{ name: "Approve", functionName: "approver" }]);
function approver() {
console.log("show me something");
If you want to use the event object event
, please use the above-modified script.
If you want to use createMenu
, please modify event.source.addMenu("send email", [{ name: "Approve", functionName: "approver" }]);
to SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createMenu("send email").addItem("Approve", "approver").addToUi();
. Both results are the same.
In order to avoid the duplicated installable triggers, I updated the function mTrigger
in the Google Apps Script project of the standalone type is run.