Search code examples

Oracle multiple order by query optimization

My Table structure & data-

    ID NUMBER(15,0)

-- expired offers
insert into BRAND_OFFERS values(1,  'Holiday1',  date'2024-03-20', date'2024-03-30', date'2024-03-22');
insert into BRAND_OFFERS values(2,  'Holiday2',  date'2024-03-20', date'2024-03-25', null);
insert into BRAND_OFFERS values(3,  'Holiday3',  date'2024-04-25', date'2024-04-30', date'2024-04-27');
insert into BRAND_OFFERS values(4,  'Holiday4',  date'2024-05-21', date'2024-05-26', date'2024-05-23');
insert into BRAND_OFFERS values(5,  'Holiday5',  date'2024-05-22', date'2024-05-25', null);

-- active offers
insert into BRAND_OFFERS values(6,  'Holiday6',  date'2024-05-15', date'2024-06-10', date'2024-05-26');
insert into BRAND_OFFERS values(7,  'Holiday7',  date'2024-05-20', date'2024-06-10', date'2024-05-21');
insert into BRAND_OFFERS values(8,  'Holiday8',  date'2024-05-20', date'2024-06-10', null);
insert into BRAND_OFFERS values(9,  'Holiday9',  date'2024-05-20', date'2024-06-10', null);
insert into BRAND_OFFERS values(10, 'Holiday10', date'2024-05-20', date'2024-06-10', date'2024-05-22');

-- future offers
insert into BRAND_OFFERS values(11, 'Holiday11', date'2024-05-30', date'2024-06-05', null);
insert into BRAND_OFFERS values(12, 'Holiday12', date'2024-06-01', date'2024-06-05', null);
insert into BRAND_OFFERS values(13, 'Holiday13', date'2024-06-01', date'2024-06-08', null);

Requirement- Basically, the Festival Offers are divided into below categories:

  1. Offer Expired - Offer Close date < sysdate
  2. Offer Active and Enrolled - sysdate is between Close & Open date, inclusive. Already Enrolled.
  3. Offer Active - sysdate is between Close & Open date, inclusive. But no Enrollment.
  4. Offer Future - Offer Open date > sysdate

I need to display the values from BRAND_OFFERS table, Ordered By as per above categories. First Expired, then Active, then Future offers.

Oracle Query to achieve this-

with initial_op as (
    select id, name,
        OPEN as open_date,
        CLOSE as closure_date,
        ENROLLED as enroll_date,
            when CLOSE < sysdate
                then 'Offer Expired'
            when OPEN > sysdate
                then 'Offer Future'
            when ENROLLED is not null
                then 'Offer Active and Enrolled'
            else 'Offer Active but yet to Enroll'
        end offer_status,
            when CLOSE < sysdate
                then 1
            when ENROLLED is not null
                then 2
            else 3
        end seq
    from BRAND_OFFERS ),
x as (select * from initial_op where seq = 1
        order by closure_date ),
y as (select * from initial_op where seq = 2
        order by enroll_date ),
z as (select * from initial_op where seq = 3
        order by open_date)

select * from x
    union all
select * from y    
    union all
select * from z;

This query gives me the desired output. The same query, instead of multiple with & union all, I tried with order by (multiple) case when... but not getting the correct order.

--not working
order by 
    case when CLOSE < sysdate then CLOSE
         when ENROLLED is not null then ENROLLED
         else OPEN

Can the working query be optimized further?



  • As this currently stands, you're likely to end up with three passes through the table, ie

    | Id  | Operation            | Name         | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT     |              |    13 |  2886 |    12  (25)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  UNION-ALL           |              |       |       |            |          |
    |   2 |   VIEW               |              |     5 |  1110 |     4  (25)| 00:00:01 |
    |   3 |    SORT ORDER BY     |              |     5 |  1010 |     4  (25)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  4 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL| BRAND_OFFERS |     5 |  1010 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   5 |   VIEW               |              |     3 |   666 |     4  (25)| 00:00:01 |
    |   6 |    SORT ORDER BY     |              |     3 |   606 |     4  (25)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  7 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL| BRAND_OFFERS |     3 |   606 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   8 |   VIEW               |              |     5 |  1110 |     4  (25)| 00:00:01 |
    |   9 |    SORT ORDER BY     |              |     5 |  1010 |     4  (25)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 10 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL| BRAND_OFFERS |     5 |  1010 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |

    Whether not that is a good or bad thing depends highly on those predicates in the CASE (ie, you could fold them into the query if there were appropriate indexes etc). Assuming that is not the case, you can change your ORDER BY to drop this back to one pass on the table

    SQL> with initial_op as (
      2      select id, name,
      3          OPEN as open_date,
      4          CLOSE as closure_date,
      5          ENROLLED as enroll_date,
      6          case
      7              when CLOSE < sysdate
      8                  then 'Offer Expired'
      9              when OPEN > sysdate
     10                  then 'Offer Future'
     11              when ENROLLED is not null
     12                  then 'Offer Active and Enrolled'
     13              else 'Offer Active but yet to Enroll'
     14          end offer_status,
     15          case
     16              when CLOSE < sysdate
     17                  then 1
     18              when ENROLLED is not null
     19                  then 2
     20              else 3
     21          end seq
     22      from BRAND_OFFERS )
     23  select *
     24  from initial_op
     25  order by seq,
     26    case
     27      when seq = 1 then closure_date
     28      when seq = 2 then enroll_date
     29      when seq = 2 then open_date
     30    end;
      ID NAME                 OPEN_DATE CLOSURE_D ENROLL_DA OFFER_STATUS                          SEQ
    ---- -------------------- --------- --------- --------- ------------------------------ ----------
       2 Holiday2             20-MAR-24 25-MAR-24           Offer Expired                           1
       1 Holiday1             20-MAR-24 30-MAR-24 22-MAR-24 Offer Expired                           1
       3 Holiday3             25-APR-24 30-APR-24 27-APR-24 Offer Expired                           1
       5 Holiday5             22-MAY-24 25-MAY-24           Offer Expired                           1
       4 Holiday4             21-MAY-24 26-MAY-24 23-MAY-24 Offer Expired                           1
       7 Holiday7             20-MAY-24 10-JUN-24 21-MAY-24 Offer Active and Enrolled               2
      10 Holiday10            20-MAY-24 10-JUN-24 22-MAY-24 Offer Active and Enrolled               2
       6 Holiday6             15-MAY-24 10-JUN-24 26-MAY-24 Offer Active and Enrolled               2
      13 Holiday13            01-JUN-24 08-JUN-24           Offer Future                            3
       8 Holiday8             20-MAY-24 10-JUN-24           Offer Active but yet to Enroll          3
       9 Holiday9             20-MAY-24 10-JUN-24           Offer Active but yet to Enroll          3
      11 Holiday11            30-MAY-24 05-JUN-24           Offer Future                            3
      12 Holiday12            01-JUN-24 05-JUN-24           Offer Future                            3