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How to bypass multi-definition of a function name when implementing generic data structures with macros in C?

I am coding in a framework written in C and not compatible with C++. When implementing a data structure for sets as doubly-linked lists, I used macros like these to achieve generics.

#pragma once

/* Interface protocol:
 *   1. Do not modify contents of nodes in a list. Results should be regarded
 *      as returned instead of modified in the arguments. The old list shall
 *      not be used.
 *   2. Use RA_DECL_DL (T) to declare the doubly linked list and related oper
 *      for type T. If RA_DECL_DL (T) is used in an `.h' file, put it in
 *      #define GUARD_RA_FL_<T> #ifdef GUARD_RA_FL_<T> ... #endif
 *      to prevent re-declarations.
 *   3. A function int _<T>_eq (T x, T y) must be declared in that file, before
 *      RA_DECL_DL and RA_DEFN_DL.
 *   4. An RA_DL (T) can be used both as a set or a doubly linked list, but not
 *      simultaneously for a particular instance. */

#define RA_DECL_DL(T)                                                         \
  typedef struct _##T##_DL_ *T##_DL_t;                                        \
  struct _##T##_DL_                                                           \
  {                                                                           \
    T val;                                                                    \
    T##_DL_t next;                                                            \
    T##_DL_t prev;                                                            \
  };                                                                          \
  T##_DL_t _##T##_DL_empty ();                                                \
  T##_DL_t _##T##_DL_insert (T x, T##_DL_t lst);                              \
  T##_DL_t _##T##_DL_remove (T x, T##_DL_t lst);                              \
  int _##T##_DL_isIn (T x, T##_DL_t lst);                                     \
  int _##T##_DL_isEmpty (T##_DL_t lst);                                       \
  T##_DL_t _##T##_DL_union (T##_DL_t l1, T##_DL_t l2);                        \
  T##_DL_t _##T##_DL_intersect (T##_DL_t l1, T##_DL_t l2);                    \
  T##_DL_t _##T##_DL_diff (T##_DL_t l1, T##_DL_t l2);

#define RA_DEFN_DL(T)                                                         \
  T##_DL_t _##T##_DL_empty () { return NULL; }                                \
  T##_DL_t _##T##_DL_insert (T x, T##_DL_t lst)                               \
  {                                                                           \
    T##_DL_t ret = checked_malloc (sizeof (struct _##T##_DL_));               \
    if (lst == NULL)                                                          \
      {                                                                       \
        ret->val = x;                                                         \
        ret->next = NULL;                                                     \
        ret->prev = NULL;                                                     \
        return ret;                                                           \
      }                                                                       \
    else                                                                      \
      {                                                                       \
        for (T##_DL_t iter = lst; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next)            \
          {                                                                   \
            if (_##T##_eq (iter->val, x))                                     \
              return lst;                                                     \
          }                                                                   \
        ret->val = x;                                                         \
        ret->prev = NULL;                                                     \
        ret->next = lst;                                                      \
        lst->prev = ret;                                                      \
        return ret;                                                           \
      }                                                                       \
  }                                                                           \
  T##_DL_t _##T##_DL_remove (T x, T##_DL_t lst)                               \
  {                                                                           \
    T##_DL_t iter;                                                            \
    for (iter = lst; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next)                         \
      {                                                                       \
        if (_##T##_eq (iter->val, x))                                         \
          break;                                                              \
      }                                                                       \
    if (iter == NULL)                                                         \
      return lst;                                                             \
    if (iter->prev != NULL)                                                   \
      iter->prev->next = iter->next;                                          \
    if (iter->next != NULL)                                                   \
      iter->next->prev = iter->prev;                                          \
    return iter->prev == NULL ? lst->next : lst;                              \
  }                                                                           \
  int _##T##_DL_isIn (T x, T##_DL_t lst)                                      \
  {                                                                           \
    for (T##_DL_t iter = lst; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next)                \
      {                                                                       \
        if (_##T##_eq (iter->val, x))                                         \
          return 1;                                                           \
      }                                                                       \
    return 0;                                                                 \
  }                                                                           \
  T##_DL_t _##T##_DL_union (T##_DL_t l1, T##_DL_t l2)                         \
  {                                                                           \
    T##_DL_t ret = _##T##_DL_empty ();                                        \
    for (T##_DL_t iter = l1; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next)                 \
      ret = _##T##_DL_insert (iter->val, ret);                                \
    for (T##_DL_t iter = l2; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next)                 \
      ret = _##T##_DL_insert (iter->val, ret);                                \
    return ret;                                                               \
  }                                                                           \
  T##_DL_t _##T##_DL_intersect (T##_DL_t l1, T##_DL_t l2)                     \
  {                                                                           \
    T##_DL_t ret = _##T##_DL_empty ();                                        \
    for (T##_DL_t iter = l1; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next)                 \
      {                                                                       \
        if (_##T##_DL_isIn (iter->val, l2))                                   \
          ret = _##T##_DL_insert (iter->val, ret);                            \
      }                                                                       \
    return ret;                                                               \
  }                                                                           \
  T##_DL_t _##T##_DL_diff (T##_DL_t l1, T##_DL_t l2)                          \
  {                                                                           \
    T##_DL_t ret = _##T##_DL_empty ();                                        \
    for (T##_DL_t iter = l1; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next)                 \
      {                                                                       \
        if (!_##T##_DL_isIn (iter->val, l2))                                  \
          ret = _##T##_DL_insert (iter->val, ret);                            \
      }                                                                       \
    return ret;                                                               \

#define RA_DL(T) T##_DL_t
#define RA_DL_empty(T) _##T##_DL_empty ()

#define RA_DL_insert(T, x, lst) _##T##_DL_insert (x, lst)
#define RA_DL_remove(T, x, lst) _##T##_DL_remove (x, lst)
#define RA_DL_isIn(T, x, lst) _##T##_DL_isIn (x, lst)
#define RA_DL_union(T, l1, l2) _##T##_DL_union (l1, l2)
#define RA_DL_intersect(T, l1, l2) _##T##_DL_intersect (l1, l2)
#define RA_DL_diff(T, l1, l2) _##T##_DL_diff (l1, l2)

The problem is: if for two files, say f1.c and f2.c, I write RA_DECL_DL(int) and RA_DEFN_DL(int) in both files, then, for example, the function _int_DL_insert is defined twice globally. This causes a conflict between identifiers, though they are actually identical.

Using #ifdef guard macros does not solve this problem because macros are not seen across .c files. Using static prevents me using the functions in multiple files, which is sometimes needed.


  • I concur with @Lundin that this is all much too much macros. As I'm sure you know a generic implementation using C++ templates is simple - the template container type std::set is ready-made - but you say your framework is "not compatible" with C++. However a template-instantiating C++ implementation can expose a C linkage interface using the extern C {....} language-linkage specifier, and you need only be able use the same toolchain for C and C++ to be ABI safe.

    If C++ with C linkage is for some reason ruled out, let's say your macro header file is DL_macros.h.

    If you are going to control the inventory of types for which your macros are instantiated then you can do what follows.

    If you want a user of your macros to be able to employ them for unforeseen types then you can provide a README that tells them to do what follows.

    For each type Type for which you want to instantiate the macros, create a header file with some suitable name, DL_Type.h like:

    #pragma once
    #include <Type.h> // Maybe
    #include <DL_macros.h>
    int _Type_eq (Type x, Type y);  // Per your protocol item #3

    where Type.h will be the relevant header file defining type Type if it is a defined and not a fundamental type.

    Also create a source file DL_Type.c like:

    #include <DL_Type.h>
    int _Type_eq (Type x, Type y)
        return x == y; // Or whatever is right.

    Then compile the file DL_Type.c to an object file DL_Type.o. Link that object file with client code that requires the API declared in DL_Type.h. Such code will #include <DL_Type.h>. Client code will reference the unique definitions provided in DL_Type.o

    Optionally, you or your users may make a static library from object files instantiating the macro definitions for various types. From such a static library a linker will only link member object files that are referenced by client code.

    You might also avoid exposing the RA_DEFN_DL(T) macro to client code by placing the RA_DECL_DL(T) macro alone in the client-facing header, say, DL_macros_decl.h, placing the RA_DEFN_DL(T) in another, say, DL_macros_defn.h, and including the latter only in DL_Type.c:

    #include <DL_Type.h>
    #include <DL_macros_defn.h>

    Optionally too, you might provide conditional support for toolchains, like GCC's, that recognise weak symbols. The linker will tolerate multiple definitions of a weak symbol and pick one them arbitrarily (in practice, the first one seen), so for these toolchains it would be unnecessary for you or your users to compile and link a distinct DL_Type.o for each Type: you could RA_DECL_DL(Type) and RA_DEFN_DL(Type) in the same translation unit, as you first envisaged if you think that is significantly desirable.

    For this option, DL_macros.h would be modified on the lines:

    #ifdef __GNUC__
    #define WEAK __attribute__((weak))
    #define WEAK
    #define RA_DECL_DL(T)                                                         \
      typedef struct _##T##_DL_ *T##_DL_t;                                        \
      struct _##T##_DL_                                                           \
      {                                                                           \
        T val;                                                                    \
        T##_DL_t next;                                                            \
        T##_DL_t prev;                                                            \
      };                                                                          \
      T##_DL_t _##T##_DL_empty () WEAK;                                           \
      T##_DL_t _##T##_DL_insert (T x, T##_DL_t lst) WEAK;                         \
      T##_DL_t _##T##_DL_remove (T x, T##_DL_t lst) WEAK;                         \
      int _##T##_DL_isIn (T x, T##_DL_t lst) WEAK;                                \
      int _##T##_DL_isEmpty (T##_DL_t lst) WEAK;                                  \
      T##_DL_t _##T##_DL_union (T##_DL_t l1, T##_DL_t l2) WEAK;                   \
      T##_DL_t _##T##_DL_intersect (T##_DL_t l1, T##_DL_t l2) WEAK;               \
      T##_DL_t _##T##_DL_diff (T##_DL_t l1, T##_DL_t l2) WEAK;

    and the required declaration for the _Type_eq function would be

    int _Type_eq (Type x, Type y) WEAK;

    My own preference would be not to bother with differentiating toolchains that recognize weak symbols and stick universally with compiling a distinct DL_Type.o.

    @Jonathan Leffler's caution about using names beginning with underscores refers to the fact that names beginning with a double-underscore or an underscore and capital letter are reserved by the compiler implementor in C. Your macros can give rise to names that breach this reservation.