I have a google sheet I use for budgets which runs year to year. I usually create a new tab for each year, but the grouping columns feature means I can just hide a completed year which is ideal.
I also display a simple area graph as shown which can track my expected balance.
If I hide a group, the graph will remove that group's data which is exactly what I want and expect to happen, but it then leaves a graph size which doesn't match.
This is obviously nothing more than a minor irritation, but I'd love to find a way to solve this so that the graph size adjusts to match the included data. I'm not particularly skilled with App Scripts and such but suspect there is probably a way to do it.
If anyone could help me, that would be amazing.
Thank you
you can try something like this:
function adjustChartWidthBasedOnUnhiddenCells() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var row = 1; // Specify the row you want to count unhidden cells in
var startColumn = 1; // Specify the starting column
var endColumn = sheet.getLastColumn(); // Specify the ending column or use getLastColumn() for the last column in the sheet
var unhiddenCount = 0;
for (var col = startColumn; col <= endColumn; col++) {
if (!sheet.isColumnHiddenByUser(col)) {
var chart = sheet.getCharts()[0]; // Assuming there's at least one chart on the sheet
var newWidth = unhiddenCount * 50; // Adjust the multiplier as needed for desired width
var newChart = chart.modify()
.setOption('width', newWidth)
briefly tested it on this setup:
un-hiding group and running script will up-size chart:
then hiding group and running script again will down-size chart...
further modification would of course be needed to exactly fit your needs