Trying to calculate the %ge of records where a certain ratio is > 1, grouped by another column in R.
I start with the following dataframe:
Scenario (chr), Ratio (fl), OtherCols (chr)
I add a 'pass' column to, which is 1 for a pass, 0 for a fail.
df$pass = with(df, ifelse(Ratio>1,1,0))
Then I'd like to find out the percentage of passes by a given Scenario group, by summing the 'pass' col and dividing by the total number of rows in that group
df_pct <- df %>%
group_by(Scenario) %>%
I'm getting an empty tibble back when printing this though. Any advice or better way of doing this?
Use n()
to get the desired total number of rows in that group, e.g.
df %>%
mutate(pass = ifelse(Ratio>1,1,0)) %>%
summarize(pass_pct = sum(pass)/n(), .by = Scenario)
See ?cur_group
for other group info functions