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Issues with android minify after Flutter update 3.22

Since I updated flutter to version 3.22 I keep getting this error when trying to run it.

ERROR:C:\Users\GS\.gradle\caches\transforms-3\9233cff7f1f1cb0a6e3f605b6bc688c6\transformed\lifecycle-livedata-core-2.8.0-runtime.jar: R8: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "String.length()" because "<parameter1>" is null

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:minifyDebugWithR8'.

> A failure occurred while executing$R8Runnable
   > Compilation failed to complete, origin: C:\Users\GS\.gradle\caches\transforms-3\9233cff7f1f1cb0a6e3f605b6bc688c6\transformed\lifecycle-livedata-core-2.8.0-runtime.jar:androidx/lifecycle/LiveData$1.class

I have been trying to fix this for 2 days now.

Appreciate your time and help

EDIT: I found out that the issue happens when I use the package flutter_paytabs_bridge: ^2.6.11 (latest at this time)

I'm contacting support right now, if anyone have any information about this issue or why it happens please let me know how to fix it.


  • Checkout this issue. It was their version that was messing everything up. They released a new version 12 hours ago.

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