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Parsing "Text" object in manim

Let's say in manim I have,

a1 = Text("hello world")

I want to say:

if a1 == "hello world": 
    # then do something

But I can't do this, and I understand if I create it with Tex I could use get_tex_string() to get the string, but I want to do this using Text, because was doing something with Table in manim and I said:


And I got the text but it was in the form of Text("something") and I can't parse this, I can't make any condition for this.


  • According to the source code of the Text class (as of manim community edition v0.18.1), the string that is passed as argument to Text() is stored as the original_text attribute. After the string is processed (e.g. replacing tabs with spaces), it is also stored as the text attribute.

    So you could use a1.original_text or a1.text depending on your use case:

    if a1.text == "hello world":
        # then do something