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Using XPath with Python's lxml module, how to validate a node's path?

I'm using XPath with Python's lxml module, and have the following xml code.

      <title>Harry Potter</title>
      <author>J.K. Rowling</author>
      <author>Yuval Noah Harari</author>

Now I have some title nodes: titles = root.xpath('//title'). How to validate if a title is a descendant of the child node section1 of the root of the xml? For some reason I have to get the titles first with //title, then do the validation, rather than find them directly by their full xml paths. The validation code should be like this:

titles = root.xpath('//title')
if title.xpath('.[ancestor::/library/section1]'):

The above code results in a XPathEvalError: Invalid expression.


  • As for your attempt to write a relative XPath, in XPath 1.0 (which lxml supports), you can use e.g.

    from lxml import etree as ET
    root = ET.parse('librarySample1.xml')
    titles = root.xpath('//title')
    for title in titles:
        if title.xpath('self::node()[ancestor::section1/parent::library]'):

    Or switch to the current version of XPath, XPath 3.1 by using saxonche where you can use e.g.

    from saxonche import PySaxonProcessor
    with PySaxonProcessor() as saxon_proc:
        xpath_proc = saxon_proc.new_xpath_processor()
        titles = xpath_proc.evaluate('//title')
        for title in titles:
            if xpath_proc.evaluate_single('.[ancestor::section1/parent::library]'):