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Reading each cell value in a table in manim

I have created a table using Table in manim, and i want to simply read the value in one of the cells.
As an example imagine i have written "a" in row 0 column 0, i want to say:

If mytable.get_rows()[0][0] == "a":

you see, its not necessarily changing the color that i want, that was just an example. I want to be able to read a table cell to compare it, when i try to print it, it prints vmobjectsvgpath, i tried many different things like str method to convert it to string or using get_ entries(), but none of them works, this is a problem that is seen in Text as well.
I asked AI but didnt get a good answer, answers were more like try get_tex_string() or .text() ,... where either do not exist or do not work.

I explained above that i tried many different methods, but none of them work.


  • dir() is your friend. Use it to learn the set of attributes you can ask for help() about.

    >>> from pprint import pp
    >>> from manim import Table, Text
    >>> t0 = Table(
    ...             [["This", "is a"],
    ...             ["simple", "Table in \n Manim."]])
    >>> t0.get_rows()[0][1]
    Paragraph(VGroup of 3 submobjects)
    >>> t0.get_rows()[0][1].color
    >>> t0.get_rows()[0][1].lines_text
    Text('is a')
    >>> pp(dir(t0.get_rows()[0][1]))
    >>> str(t0.get_rows()[0][1].lines_text)
    "Text('is a')"
    >>> str(t0.get_rows()[0][1].lines_text).split("'")[1]
    'is a'
    >>> txt = Text('Hello world')
    >>> txt.color

    The t0 example comes straight from the Table example in the documentation.