import tkinter as tk
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
window = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(window, width=300, height=300,bg="red")
class Button():
def __init__(self, x, y, canv):
self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("Hover.png"))
canv.create_image(x, y, image=self.img, anchor="nw")
Button(0, 0, canvas)
I am trying to display an image in python using the tkinter canvas option. However, if I input it in a class, like below, it doesn't give an error but also doesn't show my image. Pls solve this for me without put the canvas inside of the class
Make sure the image path is correct.
Add self.canv = canv
to the __init__
import tkinter as tk
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
class Button:
def __init__(self, x, y, canv):
self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("Hover.png"))
self.canv = canv
self.canv.create_image(x, y, image=self.img, anchor="nw")
self.canv.image = self.img
window = tk.Tk()
canv = tk.Canvas(window, width=300, height=300, bg="red")
Button(0, 0, canv)
You can also style it by setting positions and scale:
import tkinter as tk
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
class Button:
def __init__(self, x, y, canv, img_path, scale=100):
self.canv = canv
self.img_path = img_path
self.scale = scale / 100.0
self.border = self.canv.create_rectangle(
x - 5,
y - 5,
x + self.img.width() + 5,
y + self.img.height() + 5,
outline="white", width=5)
self.img_id = self.canv.create_image(x, y, image=self.img, anchor="nw")
self.canv.tag_bind(self.img_id, "<Enter>", self.hover)
self.canv.tag_bind(self.img_id, "<Leave>", self.unhover)
def set_scale(self):
orig =
w, h = orig.size
sw, sh = int(w * self.scale), int(h * self.scale)
resized = orig.resize((sw, sh), Image.LANCZOS)
self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(resized)
def set_pos(self, x, y):
self.canv.coords(self.img_id, x, y)
self.canv.coords(self.border, x - 5, y - 5, x + self.img.width() + 5, y + self.img.height() + 5)
def hover(self, event):
self.canv.itemconfig(self.border, outline="yellow")
def unhover(self, event):
self.canv.itemconfig(self.border, outline="white")
window = tk.Tk()
canv = tk.Canvas(window, width=300, height=300, bg="red")
button = Button(0, 0, canv, "hover.png", 30)
button.set_pos(25, 25)